Pics of some of my indoor harvest, guess the weight


Well-Known Member
Ok so this is technically my first real harvest since I messed up my first one 8 weeks ago. I think it had to do with overwatering and lights too close, overall shitty weed. BUT NOW.. These are mostly skunk #1, but there is some twilight (which after 2 attempts did not bud purple mind you), and some out door strain I experimented with. Im letting the rest of the twilight flower for another week. Pics are from about 14, that I chopped today. What does it look like its gonna be dry? I think my guess is going to be way off. __________ _________


Well-Known Member
Really? That would be sweet. By the way do they look a little 'off' to anyone? Can't quite put my hands on it, maybe Im not used to seeing it so fresh and wet


Well-Known Member
i see what u mean by a little off idk i just harvest for the first time and the freash buds look so much better then the weed u just buy
overall i think u should be fine becuz if u did mess up and it still gets u hiogh u got high for free ALOT>!!!


Well-Known Member
8 weeks on a sativa is not very long but could be enough. Isn't skunk #1 7-11 weeks? I would expect it to be a little heady but good enough. My harvest so far is not mind blowing weed but there were some issues along the way. I was a little early on mine. What I've noticed on mine so far is that it's not one-hit-killer but I also don't experience any of what I consider the downside- paranoia. It's a little mellow but very nice. Yours might be perfect for you.


Well-Known Member
Ya 7-11 and I let them go for a little over 8. My previous grow which I made many mistakes on I had flowering issues and lost a lot of the crop to letting them go for too long so I got nervous this time ESPECIALLY since according to the glands they were ready and they are very dense too. Hopefully they cure nicely


Well-Known Member
yeah i noticed the vibrant green on with my harvest too. its weird going from commercial to homegrown. much much much greener and stinkier :)


Well-Known Member
lol so its mostly just me right, phew good. I trimmed and everything and after I said "did I do something completely wrong?" I guess I could've let them go for a little longer. Another question is how long will it take to get rid of that GREEN and Hay smell? Im alternating between 50% bud dryer and plastic bags to sweat.

P.s just hit some bowls of small nugs off a plant I harvested even earlier (produced very tiny nugs matured very quickly) and I got high but it did taste funny...


New Member
Good answer. It does look a bit premature. 8 weeks is just a basic guideline. Some of mine have been flowering for over 10 weeks and still need a week or two more.

It will look completely different to the bud you buy because it has just been picked. Its ripe green. As it ages it will look more like the stuff you buy as it will turn darker as it cures.quote=Pizzzh;318847]more weed than you had before[/quote]


Active Member
It looks like you might have an oz there, maybe a little less when it dries. I thought I was gonna get a pound from my 5 foot tree with 20 tall colas... Nope only 4.8 oz. Your stuff will shrink by half when it dries too.:eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
Im pretty sure almost everyone harvests early on their first grow. i mean you have to have extreme willpower not too.

anyways your weed will be fine. it tastes funy because you havent cured it yet. once you do that the hay smell should go away and itll start smelling like normal weed.