Pics on where I'm at!!


Well-Known Member
Well its been 48 days total started with 2 plants a ECSD and a good bagseed , well i'm down to 1 plant the ECSD (female) bagseed ended up showing some sack.
She's on her 13 days of flower and she seems to being doing pretty good only problem i have is keeping her ph from jumping around but nothing to serious at the moment.



Well-Known Member
hope she fattens up good in the next 2 weeks!!! I just got my free 1 pound sample from HR Veg + Bloom hope its good i just fed her 2nite with it so we'll see!!! kep you guys posted so if any of you guys have used these nutes before let me know how it does, I usually use AN Big Bud Bloom Booster and Overdrive in this part of my flowering stage just wanted to try something new.


Well-Known Member
Well Its been 56 days total and 14 days flower she could be better with all the issues i went threw , she's short about 2 ft. but she's coming along nicely. The only issue i'm having at the moment is the bottom leaves are yellowing bad dying and falling off? This usually happens later on in the last few weeks of flower but why now? The top half is green as can be? So if anyone has some insight on this matter help a honkey out pls.



Well-Known Member
i didnt really wanna flush everything out of the soil when she's this far into flower ,if it gets any worse i'm going to have to be forced to but i'm going to ride it out as far as i can. I've been waiting for them the yellow leaves to fall off didnt wanna stress her to much , i've had 5 big fan leaves on the bottom drop off already and from the pics it looks like 2 more are on there way :cry:


Well-Known Member
Well its the start of week 3 of flower and she is doing a lot better , had to transplant her into new soil due to a little root bound which stunted her growth and had to start buying my water because of sodium toxicity in my water was making all my big fan leaves yellow and fall off!! But now she seems to be liking her new soil and water regimen and balanced ph. So heres the new pics.
