PiCs oR iT Never HaPPeNeD.!!.


Well-Known Member

Sonoran hot stoner food ever.

never had Syzzzzzzrp b4 though. They dont give t out in VEgas or bases of op.

Big P

Well-Known Member
whats a jolly rancher, you mean just the candy? or is it some super secret code word for drugs mmmkay? :D

how the the codiene w/prometh compare to say opium? or zanex

lil wayne loves to drink that shit. so if lil wayne says its cool then it must be cool, I wish i could try some too

i like doosin opium poppies tho. instead of opium tea i make opium extract by evaporating down the tea. you get this like opium clay left over and if you eat that shit. you will stop believing in god if you did and start believeing in god if you didnt :D

happyness in the palm of your hand. or so it would seem :D untill you start shivering in the fetal position leakin outa your assbongsmilie

good times


Well-Known Member
Prometh & Codine makes you LEAN to either the left or the right.. Puts you on your ass.. You put Jolly Ranchers in the sprite and Syrup & it makes cool coror effects.. ALSO makes it taste like Jolly Ranchers. a rainbow drink that gets you fucked up.


Well-Known Member
you leak everytime? or only large dose or what? i LOVED your description till that last part=)


Well-Known Member
Leak? no leaking here ^_^ you mean LEAN? Yes it makes you LEAN, thats why they call it "Lean" .. imagine popping several sleeping pills while drinking alcohol..

Big P

Well-Known Member
you leak everytime? or only large dose or what? i LOVED your description till that last part=)
lol was kinda kidding about the leaking part,

but ya man, im pretty sure iim addicted to the shit cuz i cant wait till my next dose. i hate to admit it but if I had to choose between podding up or sex i would choose to pod up

its kinda a choice you have to make cuz for me atleast, I cant climax when im on it, so I try to get laid right before I dose. But rushing your gurl for a quickie before you go and dose is not exactly very romantic lol

but god bless her she usually complies with my orders :D

and then you can pound the shit outa her later on cuz theres no way you r going to be able to cum, although my buddy swears he can manage to get one out even when hes on the shit. but he takes like 1/4 the amount I do