pics- which bugs are doing this (cures)?...anyone, plz?


Well-Known Member

these are some pics of the ladies at their new growth nodes, i have an idea what bugs are fucking around, but wanted to know if anyone knew a little more certainty, and if they had any ideas for a cure?



ps and of less importance is a pic called, "cupped leaves" just wondering if anyone knew offhand the problem. i watered them recently so i dont think that could be it.




Well-Known Member
well all i can say is to use neems oil i hade mites and i used neems oil and now there gone


Well-Known Member
i get the same problem with my clones, but mines look like pic 1 and 3. I dont think its a pest problem could be something your giving to the plant but as of right now i hav eno clue what could be doing that to my clones.