
i'm back as promised with a pic of the widow i grew from seed i was given from Mr West, I used this to check my room wasn't over heating and as you can see is doing it's job nicelyDSC00034.jpg. i've recently put this one to 12 n 12 so wont be long before room is free to start growing in ernest and show my lill ladys off and hopefully get some criteeque on how to improve plant health and of course yeild. happy tokin :bigjoint:
P.S am cracking some White Widow Psycosis donated by Mr West (from his own cross i think) so will put pics up as soon as there's sumat to post. happy smokin :bigjoint:
my only worry for you mate is the smell, I bet shes reeking a bit already.
no worries there dude, there's always some one smokin naff weed in the house:dunce: (i live in bedsit land) so that masks the smell a bit n i burn incents most of the time so alls good me finks. fanx fer the concern tho dude:-P :bigjoint: :fire:
OMG!!! went to check my widow just now n as i turned the pot i heared a crack:wall:, as i looked towards the bottom o the plant one of the bottom branches started to split fron the 'trunk'???WTF. have taped it up now tho n while i was at it i taped up the other branches that were near the bottom:idea:


Well-Known Member
bit of tissue paper taped round will sort her just fine m8ty....and it will still allow her to breath + grow, while free from disease.....

mr west

Well-Known Member
yeah mate u have to be carefull moving ur plants wen in flower, the weight of the buds can sometimes snap branches thats why i tie mine up.