Picture of your pet thread !!!


Well-Known Member
OMG! I just shower mine! He gets in ok without being asked twice but I know he doesn't like it.

When my bf washes him he gets in with him! I should take a photo next time! :)
When she hears the bath water running she get's stoked, and starts spinning in circles. All about it. She especially likes the new fancy showerhead. She'll just chill in there until you make her get out.


Well-Known Member
When she hears the bath water running she get's stoked, and starts spinning in circles. All about it. She especially likes the new fancy showerhead. She'll just chill in there until you make her get out.
It's a golden retriever thing! My friends bought a kids paddling pool for their dog on the roof terrace and he lays in it for hours to keep cool.

a senile fungus

Well-Known Member
When she hears the bath water running she get's stoked, and starts spinning in circles. All about it. She especially likes the new fancy showerhead. She'll just chill in there until you make her get out.
Mine hates it :-(

Once she's in there its not too bad, and I'm in there with her. I try to make it fun, and she gets treats throughout, but I guess she's just not a water dog... Poor girl, don't know what she's missing


Well-Known Member
That's almost every toy, bones included... If I don't move from this room she would fall asleep underneath them like that. Some of them she didn't want on top of her so she grabbed them and began chewing as I was working...

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Yup. Standard. Foamy balls last about 7 mins tops around these parts. Then I have to spend an hour cleaning up the aftermath.


Well-Known Member
View attachment 3362026

Hope lervs her cherry buubbur baffs.
You should submit that to a dog calendar or something. Great shot of her! I have been told after my cat just got his rotten tooth pulled that I need to brush his TEETH a couple times a week. How the heck do you even do that. The brushing kit comes with a mini brush AND some gizmo that fits over your thumb 'in case they bite'…. YIKES. Wish my cat was as cooperative as Hope looks.