Picture of your pet thread !!!


Well-Known Member
View attachment 2852755Phinny & Isobel looking guilty of something as usual
View attachment 2852756 Maxx in his prime

View attachment 2852758Maxx at a ripe old age..still going & winning !!

Won 1st place sleeping marathon
and 1st place "least" ground clearance

( he & I hated hat, but out voted by daughter)
I love love the Bassett's and Doxie. Hershey is my first but he won't be my last. I will absolutely rescue a Doxie when I am able. 3 dogs are a lot of work and responsibility but 2 are Rescues.


Virtually Unknown Member
View attachment 2852757

Heres lui and buster just hanging out. They are waiting for me to get done with lunch so they can have a bite of my burger.
was making BLT's one day and my Rottweiler and Doberman would stand around like this waiting for whatever. i had two sandwiches all made up ready to go on a foam plate. picked up the plate, the end broke off, sandwiches didn't
even hit the ground before they snatched them out of the air and almost knocked me over. they sat back down looking for more like nothing happened, damn dogs:)


Well-Known Member
lol my buddy came over and just bought some bbq, i guess he wasnt thinking but he put the food on my coffee table while we were smokin. then went outside to smoke a cig. when we came back in, my dog was just smiling, no remains of bbq. he even ate baked beans and collard greens. i felt bad for my friend.. but my dog was pretttttty happy lol


Well-Known Member
was making BLT's one day and my Rottweiler and Doberman would stand around like this waiting for whatever. i had two sandwiches all made up ready to go on a foam plate. picked up the plate, the end broke off, sandwiches didn't
even hit the ground before they snatched them out of the air and almost knocked me over. they sat back down looking for more like nothing happened, damn dogs:)
Yea when I stand and eat they get close but when I sit and eat they go to their little doggie beds lol. I must be more serious when I sit and eat I guess. I hear you on the gone before it hits the floor if it drops and they are close enough they snatch the food right out the air.


Well-Known Member
lol my buddy came over and just bought some bbq, i guess he wasnt thinking but he put the food on my coffee table while we were smokin. then went outside to smoke a cig. when we came back in, my dog was just smiling, no remains of bbq. he even ate baked beans and collard greens. i felt bad for my friend.. but my dog was pretttttty happy lol
I bet you suffered that night. Dog Farts.


Well-Known Member
Spike's second hunting season, he's been pretty smart and staying around the farm.

Took a pic of some soon to be bacon while I had the camera, I treat them all like pets.



Well-Known Member
heres another one one of my 15 year old best buddy Fox... hes a real pussy magnet ;)

cruising in my truck and lovin every second of it.

getting his belly rubbed, his favourite

What kind of dog is he?! Looks like a papillion/maltese/pomeranian mix... my mom would have a fit lol, she loves her some little dogs. She spoils the shit out of them though so I've grown up with some pretty irritating dogs... but we've had a maltese, a pomeranian, a maltipoo, a bichon, and a havanese. Her havanese is super cute though haha


Well-Known Member
What kind of dog is he?! Looks like a papillion/maltese/pomeranian mix... my mom would have a fit lol, she loves her some little dogs. She spoils the shit out of them though so I've grown up with some pretty irritating dogs... but we've had a maltese, a pomeranian, a maltipoo, a bichon, and a havanese. Her havanese is super cute though haha
i think we are being trolled... no way a man owns that dog.


New Member
What kind of dog is he?! Looks like a papillion/maltese/pomeranian mix... my mom would have a fit lol, she loves her some little dogs. She spoils the shit out of them though so I've grown up with some pretty irritating dogs... but we've had a maltese, a pomeranian, a maltipoo, a bichon, and a havanese. Her havanese is super cute though haha
haha yeah thats the family dog, my dads technically as he lives with him not me.,... but hes my boy if ya know what I mean. he likes me the most and trusts me the most.

his mom is a shitzu terrier and was bred with a little pure bred pomerianian male by accident one day when we were all about 8 years old and running around the neighbourhood with her. we went running to my dad saying she got "stuck" with another dog... they were inseparable, us kids had no idea what was going on.. it was ass to ass, weird stuff when youre that young. but it produced one of the coolest little fuckers to ever walk this earth though IMO haha. I love him to death. she had 3 puppies, another male that was fat and fluffy and not as cute, and a small fat fluffy female that I never really seen again.

heres his mom, she was just put down about 2 months ago... she was just weeks from her 18th birthday. hardest thing ive ever done, first time ive ever cried as an adult.



Well-Known Member
This is our new puppy named Maggie. I call her magpie. I forgot the cross Id have to ask my daughter. She is adorable but our cat Saya is still trying to get use to her.


Well-Known Member
haha yeah thats the family dog, my dads technically as he lives with him not me.,... but hes my boy if ya know what I mean. he likes me the most and trusts me the most.

his mom is a shitzu terrier and was bred with a little pure bred pomerianian male by accident one day when we were all about 8 years old and running around the neighbourhood with her. we went running to my dad saying she got "stuck" with another dog... they were inseparable, us kids had no idea what was going on.. it was ass to ass, weird stuff when youre that young. but it produced one of the coolest little fuckers to ever walk this earth though IMO haha. I love him to death. she had 3 puppies, another male that was fat and fluffy and not as cute, and a small fat fluffy female that I never really seen again.

heres his mom, she was just put down about 2 months ago... she was just weeks from her 18th birthday. hardest thing ive ever done, first time ive ever cried as an adult.

Pretty little girl. Very hard to put our pets down. One of the hardest things to do. My Uncle passed away august 20 and Duchess was his dog. She is 14. Should I put her down. 3 dogs I have now and I can't do it. And I am stoned imagine that.