Picture of your pet thread !!!


Well-Known Member
I have pets
Roxy my Jack russell
yes she sleeps on the bed with her head on the pillow
The other pic she is getting in the Christmas spirit

Tommy the turtle

My pet common Skinks
I have 2 of them and a heap of crickets i'm trying to breed
grow 285.jpgpets 002.jpgpets 003.jpgpets 012.jpgPicture 068.jpgpets 005.jpgpets 008.jpg


Global Moderator
Staff member
Hahah yeah those are my old pillow cases, I haven't used them in many many years but I got them when I was really little,I really liked them so I never had the heart of throwing them out. I'm glad I didn't cause now they are his to rest his fat cheeks lol.
Just hackin on ya my friend.
I'm pretty nostalgic myself at times.

Granny weed

Well-Known Member
Photo0429.jpgPhoto0427.jpgPhoto0428.jpgMeet Frankie, she is a new addition to our house, Ted is not impressed at the moment, but I'm hoping they will become friends in time.

Granny weed

Well-Known Member
GW, your house is as neat as a pin.
Would you like to come visit ? :lol:
I would love to come visit, but I would probably drive you all mad I am a tad obsessive over mess, I drive everyone here mad especially when my grandchildren have visited and theirs finger prints all over my glass doors. :o


Well-Known Member