Picture of your pet thread !!!


Well-Known Member
My dog looking at the computer again


Well-Known Member
So is she full on neurotic with things? Buddy has a terrier and if he grabs the water hose she wants to kill the water.. I have to play ball with his dog for a goof 20 mins before I can talk to him.. she's nuts.. My Roxy will make the same sounds yours does too.. Wifey took her rawhide chewy away one day so Gretchen would not eat it.. and Roxy spent a good 5 mins whining and making chuffing sounds till she got it back..

Gretchen on the other hand still falls for the laser point trick.. even it I just make the hand motions without having the pointer near me.. she looks for the dot..

Roxy looks at the dot.. then at me.. like idiot..


Well-Known Member

from awhile back and a repost..

Dillion(Husky mutt.. ) wants to play.. but Gretchen it a spaz and is too hyper for him...


Well-Known Member
They are great gioua !!!
love your dogs
this is in my grow room , roxy found my water storage bucket and thought it needed more bubbles .


Well-Known Member
This is when she was a puppy !
She is 3 now


Well-Known Member
Not my pet , just thought i would show off a good thai massage
This is when i went there for holiday


Well-Known Member
yea I have been told how to make photos be big right from the start. I used to think i was invincible too, just cant seem to figure it out yet
Man they are some fat sausage dogs lol
They are great bro
When you upload pics b4 you send them double click on them ,select large then save
hope that helps bro

unkle mouse

Active Member
Man they are some fat sausage dogs lol
They are great bro
When you upload pics b4 you send them double click on them ,select large then save
hope that helps bro
what you trying say dude.. LOL.. the dapple 1 is almost 9, (paddlefoot). the other red one (tiny) is 7,, I have had basset hounds for over24 years now



Well-Known Member
unkle, when you put the picture in, you double click on the picture itself, that will take you to the menu, where you can enlarge the image :)

unkle mouse

Active Member
right click only brings up all kind of bing and google search stuff, select all, copy paste,, double click on either left or right does nothing from manage attachments window and or advanced reply screen,, what am I missing?