Picture of your pet thread !!!


Well-Known Member
She's gorgeous and in time she will learn to trust you.
Nice name by the way:)
Thanks! :D You were very right by the way, she is MUCH more trusting now... not only of me, but everyone. She isn't even skittish at ALL anymore... I can't beleive how quickly her personality changed entirely. She's the sweetest little kitty in the world!! Lol I just love how floppy and snuggly she is... she goes so limp she almost slips through my hands every time I go to scoop her up haha.


^Lol she loves my plants... leaves and her own tail are her favorite toys... haha


Well-Known Member
Thanks! :D You were very right by the way, she is MUCH more trusting now... not only of me, but everyone. She isn't even skittish at ALL anymore... I can't beleive how quickly her personality changed entirely. She's the sweetest little kitty in the world!! Lol I just love how floppy and snuggly she is... she goes so limp she almost slips through my hands every time I go to scoop her up haha.

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^Lol she loves my plants... leaves and her own tail are her favorite toys... haha
She looks in great shape and so shiny.
Some will come out of their shell quicker than others and she hasn't wasted any time, suggests to me she will be a feisty little thing when she gets a little more confidence:)


Well-Known Member

Our little puppy. We saved her from a crack head. She is the sweetest and smartest. But last night she got into daddie's drink. Daddy drinks are STIFF. I was playing bay blades with my son and hadn't noticed. She must have lapped up for a good 12 seconds. She past the fuck out!! Poor girl. But she's happy as a clam today. Hahahaha..... She's to young to booze.

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
one of our psycho cats. She's a good candidate for kitty zanax or something. You can only pet her on her head or she'll bite you. One second she'll let you pet her and the next she'll bite you for no reason. She has this compulsive habit of licking her fur off. She'll lick the same spot until she is bald sometimes. She's funny tho. She only likes to sit on things that are hard. Like if she had the choice to sit on a nice soft blanket or a hardback book...she'd pick the book.

She's got issues like everyone else around here.......she fits right in:) We've had her bout eight years.
ms kitty 001.jpgms kitty 002.jpg

here she's like.......touch me and I'll fuck you up hahaha
Tiny little basket she can barely squeeze into. she's been in that basket all day and hasn't moved


Well-Known Member
^ my cats exactly the same. Hes got rugs or throws he sometimes lies on, but mainly he'll go for the extremely bristled door mat which is in everyones way ofc.


Well-Known Member
kitty discovers the joy of wood stove....I'm alert for dumb moves but he's getting the hang of it. the older gents pushed him out and have thier spots picked out.




New Member
is it just me, or does anyone else find pictures of cats annoyingly boring, and that all cats basically look the same... I mean with dogs, theres at least different sizes and shapes. all cats are the same, they suck! plus im wicked allergic to them so I hate em!!!!

heres my boy fox, and his mom ritz. she was just put down 2 weeks ago, a few days before her 18th brthday. fox is 15 years old and doing pretty good still, one of the smartest dogs ive ever seen, also the biggest wimp.

ritz driving with the brother haha... RIP old girl :(

her eyes are getting real white and cloudy :(

and a prime rib bone that was so big, she couldnt even fit through the doggy door



New Member
heres a picture that just came up on my facebook... weird how it happened within an hour after posting pics of her for the first time in a while. that was also the first time me and my dad have cried in about 10-15 years was the morning we had to put her down.

it kinda went through my mind that it was a message from her... as fucked up as that might sound to some. I sure miss her!! almost makes me kinda tear up just writing this haha.



Well-Known Member
is it just me, or does anyone else find pictures of cats annoyingly boring, and that all cats basically look the same... I mean with dogs, theres at least different sizes and shapes. all cats are the same, they suck! plus im wicked allergic to them so I hate em!!!!

heres my boy fox, and his mom ritz. she was just put down 2 weeks ago, a few days before her 18th brthday. fox is 15 years old and doing pretty good still, one of the smartest dogs ive ever seen, also the biggest wimp.

ritz driving with the brother haha... RIP old girl :(

her eyes are getting real white and cloudy :(

and a prime rib bone that was so big, she couldnt even fit through the doggy door

at 18, your little ritz lived a long and happy life, way more than most..i can see she wanted for nothing..you were a good "doggy daddy" to her..


Well-Known Member
dogs are probably worth crying over because theyre hopelessly loyal and would probably do the same for you. I love my cat but if i died he'd be at a neighbours house asking for food by morning <333


Well-Known Member
dogs are probably worth crying over because theyre hopelessly loyal and would probably do the same for you. I love my cat but if i died he'd be at a neighbours house asking for food by morning <333
My cat used to pine and cry when I wasn't at home and would plonk himself on my chest as soon as I sat down, he also would try and follow me when I left the house if he was outside when I was leaving.
Then the ex-bitch took him along with most of my money and she also nearly got my sanity, I do hope there is such a thing as karma:)


Well-Known Member
My cat used to pine and cry when I wasn't at home and would plonk himself on my chest as soon as I sat down, he also would try and follow me when I left the house if he was outside when I was leaving.
Then the ex-bitch took him along with most of my money and she also nearly got my sanity, I do hope there is such a thing as karma:)
Fuck that brah. I hear of people getting into messy custody battles over cats and while it sounds ridic I understand it completely. But shit man, your money might not have the legs to come back to you, but maybe you should drive round and see who the cat really loves


Well-Known Member
My cat used to pine and cry when I wasn't at home and would plonk himself on my chest as soon as I sat down, he also would try and follow me when I left the house if he was outside when I was leaving.
Then the ex-bitch took him along with most of my money and she also nearly got my sanity, I do hope there is such a thing as karma:)
we all have ex-somethings, now don't we?..my ex filed bankruptcy on me after our marital settlement agreement which completely ruined me..had me pay child support..attached a lien to my credit score..and i had to dig my way out of that which took years upon years..

back to the dogs..thank you for sharing your pics of ritz and fox..i truly enjoyed them!


New Member
thanks for the kind words guys! dogs are the best. truly a mans best friend.. dogs can be taught to sniff out cancer in humans.. cats shit in a box and stink up your house.

heres a few more pics I found! hope you dont mind me spamming the place with my best friends :)

as well as a few amazing dog videos that im sure some of you will make you appreciate your best friend even more:

