
Well-Known Member
I always tell my kid I grow better than he does and he's always telling me his is better, Love it!!!!!
I think my game plan is a bit different then yours?

I want them to grow for me.. they dont get any.. life is not about being fair some times..


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
......snip.... life is not about being fair some times..

I always tell my kid I grow better than he does and he's always telling me his is better, Love it!!!!!
For mine I told them all about the evils of marijuana. When my kid was working on his undergrad I gave him so much shit about his pot use it was funny. I've seen the amotivation hit the young males very hard in engineering. That I don't give a fuck factor is dangerous when you are staring down the barrel of Monte Carlo LOL.

Anyway finally my son earned his terminal degree and is out dealing with real world shit. Me I've retired... So we have totally flip flopped priorities so a couple visits ago I showed him the flower room! He just stood there with his mouth hanging open. He'd only seen an ounce here or there at most LOL! Here I have jars and jars and .. well yes jars and Marijuana on the hoof in all it's glory and he just stood there.....

I offered him some and he declined! He said he had a particularly pressing deadline and could not afford the brain cells. I laughed my ass off. Children the gift that keeps on giving.


Well-Known Member
Yes and you know what I seriously pondered if there was some type of subtle message for me! But I rapidly dismissed that idea, hang on it's time to reload the bong ;)
Not at all! I don't come at people like that c2g, or if I did I wouldn't hide it. Still wouldn't be rude though.

i just thought it was a funny comeback to you asking him to smoke that's all. Some days reefer renders my brain useless, so I see where he said that from.


Well-Known Member
Was picked for an improvement promotion by one of the staff at the gym last night

day 1


day 105

day 105.jpg

I'm going to a dance festival in 10 days that is going to cut and shred me to pieces, last year I had 0 abdominal definition going in so I'll post a picture when I get back. I've been bulking a bit to try and offset the loss I'm going to take there, last year it was 15 lbs in 3 days so whatever I come out at this year I'll probably be around 4% body fat and I'll have my true muscle weight


Well-Known Member
Damn bro way to go! All that hard work is really paying off for you. What festie are you heading to??
thanks man, and electric zoo in manhattan its gonna be fuckin nuts i cant wait


I've got the tickets parking pass hotel booked party favors everything all good to go, so hype :D



Well-Known Member
Word! Have fun and be safe. I've only been out to NYC once. Stayed out in Brooklyn. If you have some extra time to burn Greek Astoria is a really cool and culturally affluent area. Ate at an authentic Egyptian restaurant there it was pretty awesome.


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Was picked for an improvement promotion by one of the staff at the gym last night...snip......
day 105

View attachment 2784436

I'm going to a dance festival in 10 days that is going to cut and shred me to pieces, last year I had 0 abdominal definition going in so I'll post a picture when I get back. I've been bulking a bit to try and offset the loss I'm going to take there, last year it was 15 lbs in 3 days so whatever I come out at this year I'll probably be around 4% body fat and I'll have my true muscle weight
WOW! You have really built out nicely. Not to much in any one area. You look good, yet human! Nice job you've done there.


New Member
So like ummm are you the guy from Pearl Jam?

and did I mention I like pot, sadly yes I'm smoking again....
EDIT-YES,or whatever else I gotta lie about to get you in the sack
IDK the whos or whats about Pearl Jam.We were just some outta place long haired country boys gettin hassled by the man.The cops actually were on us like paparazzi.Not good when you're trying to lay low and score some drugs