
Well-Known Member
I had 3 Siamese cats at one time and they all had to have their own litter box.
Imagine 14 fuck that
Tha house would stink of dirty cat smell , shit , piss , fur , left over food , ETC
I would bring some lead to tha party (no offence intended james lol )
I had a cat once , and it was a feral , it stalked youi coming down the stairs ,
latch on to your ankles ,and stuff
naughty kitty !!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
The GF manages all that…she has 5 litter boxes in the laundry room that she sifts twice a day and bleaches out once a month…..she buys blue buffalo and taste of the wild food (dry)….we have a vet that lets us pay in installments……most our cats only go to have the shots they need and the spay/neuter thing and that's their only trip…..most our cats are around 10 yrs old give or take a couple years…the food gets delivered by fedex I'm sure the guy is gonna develop back problems……no cat smell, no litter smell, left over food you gotta be kidding me…..just the occasional hairball that I ALWAYS step in barefoot on the way to the bathroom in the middle of the night…..no offense taken clint…I aint gonna bitch at her cause she took me in 14 years ago went I showed up on her doorstep….yes I'm mostly housebroken but not neutered…but i wish I could lick my balls the way they do.. ;)

ok…… licking my balls sounds terrible after I gave it some thought….what I WOULD like is a tail and having ears I could rotate like they do


Well-Known Member
The GF manages all that…she has 5 litter boxes in the laundry room that she sifts twice a day and bleaches out once a month…..she buys blue buffalo and taste of the wild food (dry)….we have a vet that lets us pay in installments……most our cats only go to have the shots they need and the spay/neuter thing and that's their only trip…..most our cats are around 10 yrs old give or take a couple years…the food gets delivered by fedex I'm sure the guy is gonna develop back problems……no cat smell, no litter smell, left over food you gotta be kidding me…..just the occasional hairball that I ALWAYS step in barefoot on the way to the bathroom in the middle of the night…..no offense taken clint…I aint gonna bitch at her cause she took me in 14 years ago went I showed up on her doorstep….yes I'm mostly housebroken but not neutered…but i wish I could lick my balls the way they do.. ;)
Hahahahaha lick ya balls !!!!!
All good brother , i'm sure you have your routine down pat by now !
Just given ya bit of shit for no apparent reason ! all in good fun though !!!!
I were only joking bro about food , piss, shit etc
Man your missus does a great job lookin after all that feline buisness , you gotta stay on top of that shit hey .
I used ta love cats until i got tha feral , It was dumped on a mates front yard , so i took it in
It ran away and never came home , (i think a house up the road was feeding him )
Where abouts in the mountains do ya live james ?
That's my kinda life style ya have ya self there , Do ya have snow and wild animals knocking on ya door ? lol
I have this picture of a home made log cabbin in the snow capped mountains , Big pine forests and shit , open fire place keeping cabin nice and warm 24/7
You would have your own water tanks , I'm not sure about power supply ?
You would have hunting guns hanging up on the wall , hunting trophies in the house , a dog called yella (just kidding )
Do ya go trapping for food and stuff ?
sorry now i'm talkin shit (tired and ripped )


Well-Known Member
Do ya have snow and wild animals knocking on ya door ? lol
I have this picture of a home made log cabbin in the snow capped mountains , Big pine forests and shit , open fire place keeping cabin nice and warm 24/7
You just described my place, except we have a wood stove, not an open fire place. We had a coyote find it's way under our house the other week.



Pickle Queen
Lol a few years ago I had 2 male cats..took in a beautiful sweet tiny female calico....3 weeks later a litter of 6 was born..so now I have 9..knowing nothing about a female cats cycle I never kept her seperated..yep 3 months later another litter of 5..so at this point I had 14..11 kittens under 4 months...fml... found homes for some but I left my cheating ex and took my peanut ali..she was born with a few issues ..but ya omg never again..cost a fortune in food and litter


Well-Known Member
I know clint I'm not at all offended……I took it in the manner you meant.

I live 8 miles from the base of Mt St Helens in a river valley about an hour and a half from Portland,Or. My little town of Cougar has a post office 2 gas stations and a bar and grill. We hear coyote in the mornings and have deer and elk hanging around especially in bad weather….all the other critters too, raccoon possum all manner of birds and rodents…there's 3 dams on the Lewis river by us and so we have 3 lakes, reservoirs around us…eagles osprey hawks otters mink, i saw a wolverine once, we have yet to see a cougar…..i feel inspired to make an album of images in and around my house.


Well-Known Member
I know clint I'm not at all offended……I took it in the manner you meant.

I live 8 miles from the base of Mt St Helens in a river valley about an hour and a half from Portland,Or. My little town of Cougar has a post office 2 gas stations and a bar and grill. We hear coyote in the mornings and have deer and elk hanging around especially in bad weather….all the other critters too, raccoon possum all manner of birds and rodents…there's 3 dams on the Lewis river by us and so we have 3 lakes, reservoirs around us…eagles osprey hawks otters mink, i saw a wolverine once, we have yet to see a cougar…..i feel inspired to make an album of images in and around my house.
Please make an album to share your great way of life !!!!!


Well-Known Member
I know clint I'm not at all offended……I took it in the manner you meant.

I live 8 miles from the base of Mt St Helens in a river valley about an hour and a half from Portland,Or. My little town of Cougar has a post office 2 gas stations and a bar and grill. We hear coyote in the mornings and have deer and elk hanging around especially in bad weather….all the other critters too, raccoon possum all manner of birds and rodents…there's 3 dams on the Lewis river by us and so we have 3 lakes, reservoirs around us…eagles osprey hawks otters mink, i saw a wolverine once, we have yet to see a cougar…..i feel inspired to make an album of images in and around my house.
The Wolverine , was it nasty ? did it want to attack ?
Like a honey badger ?
I saw elk attaking on TV fuck that , they are nasty
they are worse than kangaoos !!!


Well-Known Member
^^ congrats... losing weight is awesome, specially being a woman I know it's tougher for ya'll.... skinny shorts that means their tight around the butt eh? or are they ;-) who can tell lol

Don't have any comparison shots of ya but whatever you did worked... but seriously please don't lose anymore you're just right as is (even if you don't think so) 7 is a great size... skin n bones is not attractive imo


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
ironically I don't like fish so I don't fish even more ironic I worked for G.Loomis they make high end rods…people who do fish catch salmon steelhead trout etc in the rivers and lakes and we are only 2 hours from the coast where you can charter ocean fishing….we go out kayaking hiking photographing stargazing and finding jeep trails for our wrangler



Global Moderator
Staff member
I've built 10 or 12 dozen (mostly) flyrods - I tended to pick the Sage blanks just because I like the speed & backbone.
Did the 3 & 4 piece thread wraps, but some of that stuff they do is true art.
Then again, lots of cool thread tends to dampen the blank so I like "naked" blades.


Active Member
I've built 10 or 12 dozen (mostly) flyrods - I tended to pick the Sage blanks just because I like the speed & backbone.
Did the 3 & 4 piece thread wraps, but some of that stuff they do is true art.
Then again, lots of cool thread tends to dampen the blank so I like "naked" blades.
Wish i had the money i spent at mudhole