
New Member
Umm, I didn't know I was offended?? Hahahahaha. Just sounded like complaining to me, but it really doesn't bother me. Everyone is entitled.
not sure how you got "complaining" out of this? seems like i was just asking a question. guess you're entitled to view it as you wish though.

why is it that people dress up their dogs? seriously? doesn't that seem weird?


Well-Known Member
Chill jazzy chill lol.. I just think it's weird.. pointless too. And if you look at humans' fashion sense, well it's just stupid. Why MAKE dogs follow our trends? :) :)


Well-Known Member
She's not worked up, stop it. Je***. Small dogs gets colder easier. Nugs you need a time out. You are jumping everybody's ass in several threads. Chill the hell out. Light one.


Well-Known Member
I wish there was a rude guy on RIU named bill so that I could tell him to "chill bill".. that would be fun. or "take a chill pill bill".


Well-Known Member
I hate that I have to change my dialect online to try and express the type of tone i'd be using. I NEVER use the word "ain't" when speaking. Blah.


Well-Known Member
I just don't understand why...if you are wearing a tampon...you would not wear panties....I mean...come on now lol. You should really always be wearing panties when in public, but...to not wear them while you're bleeding and carrying around a pullstring?