
Well-Known Member
Cool!! I am very content with even a couple 400's. No problems with the silence. Just don't want to end up in prison for a couple plants. Mexico would be a bad place to get popped in. Plus the power was too unreliable.

Yep, shorts and bare foot is my style. I have to wear a tank top as I got chubby sitting in a studio all day. The healthier food and exercise down there would take the weight off though.

Love your boats. I used to do Mako tournaments out of Marina Del Rey CA a few years back. Spent a few years on Puget Sound chasing salmon too. I bet you have a blast fishing down there.

Any income opportunities for an ex pat? My wife is eligible for her smallish pension this fall. If I could supplement it a bit for a couple years we could be good to go.

I'm jealous.
couple 400's would be no issue at all. electricity is a little expensive here (about $0.20 per kWh) and sometimes unreliable. nothing a hot temp/hot strike box and a surge processor won't fix though. you get a lot of voltage drops and spikes; power goes out a few times a week. usually for an hour or so. ways around that though if you got the cash for a standby generator or UPS system.

it is clean living down here. i lost a lot of weight when i moved here and it's easy to keep off. you always have an active lifestyle and you eat so healthy. tons of local produce along with a lot of fish and chicken.

those boats are my babies. that 51' was the boat i really learned to sportfish on. then the owner fell on hard financial times and i was able to buy it pretty cheap. i sent her back to the U.S. and got a complete remodel done on her. I had always been against owning them cause they are a huge financial commitment but i'm really happy i did finally buy her. i got tha 64' delivered at the end of 2010. that's my tournament boat for the most part. she's the one that travels back to the U.S. and the Bahamas for tournament season.

plenty of income opportunities for expats here. just gotta find your niche. always helps to know some spanish. a lot depends on where you are in the country as well. the more remote then the more slef reliant you need to be. tons of americans here that are always looking for property managers or office employees. doesn't pay much usually but $1000-$1500 a month for 25-30 hour weeks isn't bad. always helps if you are able to do something on your own though. find a market or business and run with it. with the economy like it is it's been tough the last few years for a lot of guys. less and less offices and a lot of people moving back to the U.S.


New Member
couple 400's would be no issue at all. electricity is a little expensive here (about $0.20 per kWh) and sometimes unreliable. nothing a hot temp/hot strike box and a surge processor won't fix though. you get a lot of voltage drops and spikes; power goes out a few times a week. usually for an hour or so. ways around that though if you got the cash for a standby generator or UPS system.

it is clean living down here. i lost a lot of weight when i moved here and it's easy to keep off. you always have an active lifestyle and you eat so healthy. tons of local produce along with a lot of fish and chicken.

those boats are my babies. that 51' was the boat i really learned to sportfish on. then the owner fell on hard financial times and i was able to buy it pretty cheap. i sent her back to the U.S. and got a complete remodel done on her. I had always been against owning them cause they are a huge financial commitment but i'm really happy i did finally buy her. i got tha 64' delivered at the end of 2010. that's my tournament boat for the most part. she's the one that travels back to the U.S. and the Bahamas for tournament season.

plenty of income opportunities for expats here. just gotta find your niche. always helps to know some spanish. a lot depends on where you are in the country as well. the more remote then the more slef reliant you need to be. tons of americans here that are always looking for property managers or office employees. doesn't pay much usually but $1000-$1500 a month for 25-30 hour weeks isn't bad. always helps if you are able to do something on your own though. find a market or business and run with it. with the economy like it is it's been tough the last few years for a lot of guys. less and less offices and a lot of people moving back to the U.S.
Thanks for the info. I am going to go downtown and see if I can't work out my passport issues. I actually have the ability to leave work for a week and a half the end of June. I really want to get down there.

Thanks again.