
Well-Known Member
i dunno i just know my computer is hurting me and the only thing i thought of when i looked at the bottem was the metal things...
maybe they get heated?


Well-Known Member
june bugs:mrgreen:

they sound like little helicopters when they fly boy you

for the rest of the night you will be paranoid about tiny june bugs biting your feet

and then put your feet on the couch, convincing yourself your not scared:twisted:


Well-Known Member
Man ive been so many places its unreal!!!!all over the world!!!!!too many places to even mention,got pics though!!!!!got one with a deadly shiner from fighting on acid in korea!!!alot of memories most good some bad!!!!

Thats crazy man, i plan on joining the canadian navy after im done with college.


Well-Known Member
^^ i can relate too much to that. I used to have the perception that you should trust your parents. But i was eaisly fooled when i found out both of them we're drug dealers and invite people into my house and constantly steal shit.

when i moved to Ohio i was naive to think everyone should be trusted, untill time and time again i got screwed over.. even my BEST friend.. i still have doubts in the back of my head that she might steal something, or betray me some how.

i believe you should beware of everyone you come into contact
Preach baby girl. I agree with that to the fullest, but there comes a time when you can't and shouldn't let your past experiences dictate your future interactions. People grow up, and change their ways, not everybody, but most people grow up, and get over that bullshit of stealing and fucking people over. My Father was also a drug dealer, but could read and judge people very well, maybe it was from being a dealer, he could just read people.

But I do agree with having some kind of guard up against the bullshitters in life, and drugs, not weed, drugs make people do stupid and thoughtless shit, that don't make it alright, but lets you know that drug users are more prone to do dumb shit.