
Active Member
Ooooohhhhh I love these babies! (...how close in age are these babies? You busy man, you! lol) SO CUTE!
We tried really hard to have our 2 kids really close together, took us 2 years for first daughter, what a lot of work! (No I'm not complaining ^.~) shes 19mo old.. We got lucky with 2nd and she got pregnant 5 months after giving birth. So they are just over a year apart.


Well-Known Member
We tried really hard to have our 2 kids really close together, took us 2 years for first daughter, what a lot of work! (No I'm not complaining ^.~) shes 19mo old.. We got lucky with 2nd and she got pregnant 5 months after giving birth. So they are just over a year apart.
Awww. You guys give me baby fever. (I say as my daughters wrestle on the floor, pretending to be cats.) Meh. Nevermind. I'll just hold everyone else's baby instead.


Well-Known Member
6'4ish, more like 6'5... next tallest relative, my cousin, he is 6'3, next... 6'0

I should have stuck to basketball in college.. but alas, im white. Frick! lol, naw, actually for a white boy, i can dunk and used to be able to run a 5.8 40. but i can still dance like Ginuwine (think Pony) - I used to dance Samba and Salsa, and taught swing dance.

not sure how i went from height to dance.. but whatevs.
hahahaha :clap:

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
It only feels like that now. Wait til she breastfeeds and her nipples are 5 inches long and her boobs look like someone let the air out of them. (True story.) Don't worry, they'll bounce back when you get done feeding. But it feels like a long long time. (BTW, THAT is the time we'd like more boob wars lol. When the odds are evened!)
They are only 5 inch long during and shortly after breast feeding. I read a big ass book on breastfeeding.


Active Member
dude.you are not at all what I pictured you as.. eat a sangwhich!! Ha... seriously is this the 1st pic you posted of yourself? feel like we have been hangin out in the wake in bake for a few mo's now.. first I have seen if ya..
lol, Yupper first picture I've posted of me =)

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
I'm almost 5'6 and the skinny son I mentioned, he's almost surpassed me in height. He'll be tall and thin his whole life. He didn't get that from me. Unfortunately lol. My sister is a total bean pole though. 5'9, and like 120 pounds soaking wet. My father is 6'1. I was supposed to be taller *sniff*.
Shit, you're taller than me. 5'4''

Most people are taller than me...


Well-Known Member
My nipples are so sensitive. I have a feeling it is gonna feel like an irritating tickling squeeze during feeding.
Ohh sweetie. This is not going to be fun for you. With ALL of my kids, the first month of breastfeeding was all tears for me. It HURTS. Your nipples crack and bleed. It got so bad with my daughter Morgan, i'd actually start crying when she'd get hungry because I knew it was going to hurt that damn bad. BUT, it does get much much much easier after that first month or so. Then it's just routine, stops hurting, gotta keep up on the chapping but nothing at all like the beginning. Just don't give up. Your baby's worth the pain. But damn, it's painful lol.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
They'll probably bleed like my wifes did. My baby was a vampire until she finally gave up and put him on formula.
Maybe she wasn't seating the nipple right?? I have read that can cause chapping and bleeding.

My nipples are tough. Not ford tough.. just can take alot lol.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Ohh sweetie. This is not going to be fun for you. With ALL of my kids, the first month of breastfeeding was all tears for me. It HURTS. Your nipples crack and bleed. It got so bad with my daughter Morgan, i'd actually start crying when she'd get hungry because I knew it was going to hurt that damn bad. BUT, it does get much much much easier after that first month or so. Then it's just routine, stops hurting, gotta keep up on the chapping but nothing at all like the beginning. Just don't give up. Your baby's worth the pain. But damn, it's painful lol.
I dunno. I squeezed and pulled the hell out of them the other day to see how they would look stretchy. Just tickled and hurt a bit.

hell, ill do it right now...mmk.

yeah it was uncomforable and hurt abit. some clear came out.. I made the nip hard and squeezed all the way from border of areola and used both hands to alternate from both sides.

not too bad.

I have been BIT before by my husband and that was annoying..

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
by sensitive, i meant they tickle. Like at the tip and inside.

My husband trys to squeeze and play with the nipple and it just tickles. Doesn't turn me on at all anymore.