
Well-Known Member
I just learned what Molly meant...I was at a night club a few weeks back and this very young guy decided he was going to try his luck with me. I'm siting in an arm chair and he's doing the totally erotic dance right in front of me.. I let him go on for a bit and then I ask him, "...how can you be so comfortable with yourself?" He replies..."I'm on Molly" I say, "No you're not, my name is T_ _ _ _ _." After my friends stopped laughing at me, they caught me up on what "Molly" is...and no I didn't take him home.


Well-Known Member
Well if he meant MDMA then it's in crystal form but breaks down to powder. The youth of today take dabs with wet fingers, or they snort it or put it in drinks. Then they dance - all night long ! :)


Well-Known Member
Talking of which - what happened to that patient who knew everything about you? Has he rebooked yet?
OMG...that guy keeps showing up at my coffee shop. I'm sure he's figured out my routine. I use to have a set running time along this trail, I've changed it now because I think I would die if he happened to be on it. They know at the office not to have him come in when I'm there. I think he's harmless but still...I'm just not feeling the love for him.


Well-Known Member
OMG...that guy keeps showing up at my coffee shop. I'm sure he's figured out my routine. I use to have a set running time along this trail, I've changed it now because I think I would die if he happened to be on it. They know at the office not to have him come in when I'm there. I think he's harmless but still...I'm just not feeling the love for him.
Yea well Ted Bundy made his victims feel like he was harmless as well. Becareful.


Well-Known Member
^^^go with ur gut instinct and wise move on changing the trail. Can u imagine if you saw him on it? My heart would stop stone dead I think. Def keep an eye on him! :)