
Well-Known Member
I was getting my wisdom teeth pulled and the Dentest left me to do what ever they do after giving me a shot.
He hooked me up gave me the shots and left LOL!! I reached over and turned the crank on the regulator
and whoooohooo!!! He can in a few mins later I'm about passed the fuck out and he looks at the gage and
about shit himself. He told his assistant to be careule to check the presure when they used it on patients..
Man I was wasted......
OKAY, NOOOOO one else ever do this, that's a good way to die, not even kidding!


Well-Known Member
I'm totally teasing you eye lol. Wouldn't that be funny though? Flaming posting a pic up like that... "Welp! Baby came! Glad I got that over with!"

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
You call me fat and then try to feed me?!?!?!
...1 1/2 things wrong with this picture (heh): (1) I called you no such thing; and you're in no way overweight. (1/2) The intent to feed you a kick ass bagel with cream cheese was there, however, due to the restrictions of the internet I could not 'actually' hand you said bagel.

ps: can you tell I've been hangin' in SS&P too much? :)

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
I was getting my wisdom teeth pulled and the Dentest left me to do what ever they do after giving me a shot.
He hooked me up gave me the shots and left LOL!! I reached over and turned the crank on the regulator
and whoooohooo!!! He can in a few mins later I'm about passed the fuck out and he looks at the gage and
about shit himself. He told his assistant to be careule to check the presure when they used it on patients..
Man I was wasted......
When I was getting my wisdom teeth pulled they put the gas mask on me and left for a few min. She came back in and asked how I felt and I did not feel anything(I didn't either) She turned it up a little, left for a few more min. Same question as before, I told her that the machine must be broken cuz I still didn't feel it. She kinda chuckled gave the ol' knob a twist, next thing I know I heard the extractor hit the table. Yessir, give me the gas.:joint: