
Well-Known Member
Thank ja all i feel so welcomed! :peace:
I wonder if you would have received the same welcome had your first post been something other than a picture of yourself...

Not to make you think/feel you're any less welcome, just wondering about the motivations involved and in the rest of society/the internet..

Same thing tends to happen on most male dominated websites.. I wonder, would a guy be welcomed the same way in a more female dominated setting? Why/why not? ...

Either way, welcome to Roll it up, it's a cool place with cool people


Well-Known Member
She has yet to post a pic with official RIU female verification proofing, so as of this moment she still has a dick and is named EvanRose.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
where is loquacious? He'd be drooling right now LOL

that shit will be deleted ttt :)
Most likely it will. But hey, it's from a film, deal with it.. Me thinks some mods need to take off the headphones and go get themselves some booty and relax.
