It's got Moly in it. Mostly white iron with a lot of chrome. It doesn't work harden much. It is 65 rockwell as is. A regular carbide insert won't even scratch it.

I had to lathe some high moly stuff a long time back. If you weren't super graceful it would work harden and break the carbides like nothing. And then you'd need to start over with a fresh piece of material because you weren't cutting it again.
A long , long , time ago..............This is my crew . My wife was pregnant with my daughter . The very old basset hound , Basswood , our first of many is also present. We use to stay at an old A-frame for weeks which was out in the middle of nowhere ! We would go there during all of the seasons . We call the picture our " American Gothic " .


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Turtle soap is considered a delicacy. The soup need to be stirred for 24 hours straight to allow for the shell to detach from the shell. You have to also boil out the poison.
I have found cut the head,feet and end of tail off. Split the skin and cut it lose.

Then pull skin off with pliers and then cut the meat out.
That sounds like a good work out. A lot of southern cooking involves a lot of hard physical labor to get to the meat. When I was living in Mississippi I spent a lot of time peeling shrimp. It was a lot of work. I ate a lot of shrimp when I was there. Now since I moved my Yankee ass back up north the sight of shrimp, even peeled turns my stomach. I don’t think I will eat another shrimp for the rest of my life/ I used to love them. Mississippi left a real bad taste in my mouth.
That sounds like a good work out. A lot of southern cooking involves a lot of hard physical labor to get to the meat. When I was living in Mississippi I spent a lot of time peeling shrimp. It was a lot of work. I ate a lot of shrimp when I was there. Now since I moved my Yankee ass back up north the sight of shrimp, even peeled turns my stomach. I don’t think I will eat another shrimp for the rest of my life/ I used to love them. Mississippi left a real bad taste in my mouth.
Got some Shrimp. What we looked at while there. Rented a House Boat.

I've missed you and your quirky sense of humor. I sent the bat signal off to Singlemalt. How's the family and the caravan?
Well, it's been a pretty busy couple of years! The family is all good, the boys have done that thing where they just get bigger and more expensive to keep, the oldest is 13 now and near enough as tall as me. It's weird watching the adolescence thing ruin a perfectly good child and morph it into a young adult. He's a good egg though, he can stay for now.

We actually ended up moving into a house in December'21 , first time the kids ever had a home that isn't on wheels. We still have the trailer though, never burn your bridges!
I kind of miss the cramped, creaky caravan but there's a lot to be said for having a toilet actually in your home and taps, doors, rooms... it's working for us now. Give it a few years and we'll see