PICTURES.. 1 month


Well-Known Member
They look good, but I would get rid of one plant from the pot. They are going to compete with each other and you'll get 2 crappy plants instead of one greeat one....


Well-Known Member
I would separate the two plants in the single pot. They will become root bound very quickly, and then they will be impossible to pull apart.

As for the plants themselves, they look great! What strain?


Well-Known Member
One of the first things to learn on here bro is too give detail!! Let us know your setup what type of light, the nutes your using, soil etc.. Is it bagseed? They look a little small for a month but like I said give more detail. Like when my plants were 3 weeks old under a 400wMH light using FF ocean forest soil pictures below. I had a PH prob at first this is my first grow as well thats why the leaves are yelow on the bottom. If you dont have a PH tester go out and buy one (digi's on ebay are about $20 they are well worth the money my friend) if you dont have one already that is :)

Also some vids to check out if you have not already just google:
See More buds 1,2,3
Ready-set-grow 1,2
I grow chronic
Weed-Hot to grow Marijuana

Theres more but I like those the best lol
They do look like they are doing good but like everyone else gonna have to break those 2 plants up, or if you wanna be daring grow em in See more buds vol.2 I think a dude is growing 5 plants in an egg crete. Just make sure they get more water then the others.:joint:

Edit: And welcome to the community bro :D

