Pictures of my MASSIVE bud


give some info, what strain, what did you grow that it, what kind of nutes, what lights are you using? Co2?
I think this strain was chemdog, I didnt really keep track. I grew it in Foxfarm Ocean Forest soil, with fox farm nutes(Open seasame, cha ching and beastie bloomz). My grow room is 2 and a quarter feet by 3 and a half feet, and 8 feet tall. I use a 400 watt metal halide light. It was about 3 and a half months from seed to harvest.

And I did make a CO2 generator, which definitely added to the size of the plants. Here is the link to make one, they are super easy and cheap to make;


just for that line alone I am calling BULLSHIT.

Who dosent know what they are growing
AND especially ChemDog, one of the top strains of all time ;-/
call me skeptical.

Whatever! To be honest I didnt really even expect to grow anything good since this is my first grow, so I didnt keep very good track. I did have seeds from 3 kinds of weed; sour D., chemdog and querkle. I know that the majority of the seeds I had were chemdog, so thats how I came to that assumption.

Take it easy, dude.


Well-Known Member
Congrats on your monster bud!, sorry for your monster face! :D

I take it you're going to trim it down more as there's a shit load of leaves on it.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
just for that line alone I am calling BULLSHIT.

Who dosent know what they are growing
AND especially ChemDog, one of the top strains of all time ;-/
call me skeptical.
i lose track of strains sometimes. they are so distinct sometimes that i don't label them, then once the jungle sets in i lose track. but that is one sweet fucking bud. i use a 400w hps and have never grown a cola anywhere near that. that shit's almost as big as my cock. pretty impressive.


Active Member
wwwwwwoooooooowwwww looks like a mini rpg lol if there is such a thing not bad for 1st grow man will harvesrt my 1st grow this sat will post pics happy growing.

kush groove

Active Member
damn dude, thats a big ass bud......congrats on the cola

monster came out of nowhere...........i got my laugh of the day in