I think it's all nonsense, but I try to be tolerant of others who believe in all of the mysticism. My complaint with believers is that they pick and choose the stuff they want to believe. If you believe in god, you therefor must believe that it was his hand that wrote the bible, so it must ALL be true ..... not just the parts you like (see homosexuality)!
Various things the Bible prohibits:
Shaving (Leviticus 19:27)
Cursing (Ephesians 5:4)
Gossip (Leviticus 19:16)
Football on Saturdays (Exodus 20:

Eating lobster (Leviticus 11:10)
Eating pork (Leviticus 11:7)
Wearing cotton/polyester blends (Leviticus 19:19)
Associating with women during their menstrual cycle (Leviticus 15:19-20)
Round haircuts (Leviticus 19:27)
Fortune telling (Leviticus 19:21)
The pull out method (Genesis 38:9-10)
Tattoos (Leviticus 19:2

Divorce (Mark 10:

Letting men without testicles into church (Deuteronomy 23:1)
Wearing gold (Timothy 2:9)
A wife defending her husband by grabbing his attacker by the genitals (Deuteronomy 25:11-12)