Piers Morgan: Bible is flawed, time to amend a new one

there are so many translations of the bible. ive been threw a couple and theres no difference. ive met moses and have seen jericho fall. so you really cant amend a new one. its still valid.
You're right, it cannot be amended. It is the sacred text of fools and the fearful. It belongs on the dust heap along with the religion it's based upon.
I think it would be a great idea to commission a rewrite of the bible. It really is mostly nonsense with lots of bad grammar. The original authors were clearly sadistic and very gullible. The old testament could be misconstrued as really amateurish soft porn and the new testament isn't even good enough for the simple minded teenage audience. If this idea is adopted I would like to take the section that deals with creation. I'm sure I could create a much more believable tale than the shitty one in the bible. No snakes, apples or unnecessary punishment.
How can questioning something with such a shady history and murky origin be bigotry? I've looked hard at this question and to me the entire New Testament is fiction.
I think it's all nonsense, but I try to be tolerant of others who believe in all of the mysticism. My complaint with believers is that they pick and choose the stuff they want to believe. If you believe in god, you therefor must believe that it was his hand that wrote the bible, so it must ALL be true ..... not just the parts you like (see homosexuality)!

Various things the Bible prohibits:
Shaving (Leviticus 19:27)
Cursing (Ephesians 5:4)
Gossip (Leviticus 19:16)
Football on Saturdays (Exodus 20:8)
Eating lobster (Leviticus 11:10)
Eating pork (Leviticus 11:7)
Wearing cotton/polyester blends (Leviticus 19:19)
Associating with women during their menstrual cycle (Leviticus 15:19-20)
Round haircuts (Leviticus 19:27)
Fortune telling (Leviticus 19:21)
The pull out method (Genesis 38:9-10)
Tattoos (Leviticus 19:28)
Divorce (Mark 10:8)
Letting men without testicles into church (Deuteronomy 23:1)
Wearing gold (Timothy 2:9)
A wife defending her husband by grabbing his attacker by the genitals (Deuteronomy 25:11-12)
Yes, anyone can believe anything. But, of the world religions only the Western bitch kids of the Jews... Islam and Christian write about forcing people to repent and then die.
I think Mike Huckabee got it right

Those kids in Sandy Hook were killed becuase god wasnt allowed in school

So God killed 20 of them to prove he is a loving god
The people who take fiction as nonfiction are by far the more dangerous of two foolish lots, the other being those who take them seriously. Learn the value of fiction. These are fables from a time before science could disprove the premises.
It was mind control for the masses when it was written.

Still works like a charm today!

Oh yeah? And you know this how? I didn't know you are a 4000+ yr old immortal. Why don't you riddle us in sherlock.

PS: I'm agnostic so I'm looking forward to this

I don't like when people claim to know something that cannot be possibly known for certain. If it could be, that religion would be history. (dubley entendre intended).
So to say you know something, that cannot be known, it makes you out to be a hater straight up in this instance
Oh yeah? And you know this how? I didn't know you are a 4000+ yr old immortal. Why don't you riddle us in sherlock.

PS: I'm agnostic so I'm looking forward to this

I don't like when people claim to know something that cannot be possibly known for certain. If it could be, that religion would be history. (dubley entendre intended).
So to say you know something, that cannot be known, it makes you out to be a hater straight up in this instance

I can't completely disagree with you. I'm an Atheist, and as such I simply feel that there is no evidence to support the notion of a deity. Do I know my position to be fact? No I don't. I also don't believe in Santa Clause, the Tooth Fairy, or Gremlins. Can I prove that they aren't real? Nope, unfortunately I can't. But, I can form an educated opinion on the subject using facts, science, and common sense.

I do however believe that the burden of proof lays squarely on the person making the claim. If someone can come up with one shred of proof about the talking snake, the virgin mother, and the subsequent zombie fairy she gave birth to, then I will revisit my opinion on this. Until then, it sounds like a lot of hocus pocus to me ...... but as you rightly pointed out, I could be wrong.
I never really quite liked Piers...until about 2 weeks ago.

Piers is possibly the biggest douche in the U.S. It's hard to take the man serious after he got caught manufacturing a story, and trying to get troops put in prison for life. Maybe he is your kind of guy, but that little conspiracy got his ass fired, hence his appearance on our shores.

Piers is possibly the biggest douche in the U.S. It's hard to take the man serious after he got caught manufacturing a story, and trying to get troops put in prison for life. Maybe he is your kind of guy, but that little conspiracy got his ass fired, hence his appearance on our shores.