Pinapple Express Auto Training Advice?


New Member
Hey guys! I've got a Pinapple Express Auto that is currently in day 12 since sprouting from the ground (from seed). I'm using Fox Farm potting soil, FloraMicro nutes, 2 X 300 WAT MarsHydro 24/0. I heard that LST was the only training method for Auto plants, this is the method I want to try with my girl. Do you think she's ready?? Here's a recent album:


Well-Known Member
Hey there,

I havent grown autos, but I would wait to get a few more nodes before you start LSTing her. Have you topped yet?


New Member
Hey there,

I havent grown autos, but I would wait to get a few more nodes before you start LSTing her. Have you topped yet?
I haven't topped yet. Any kind of reduction is frowned upon for autos (from my knowledge)


Well-Known Member
I would not top an auto or really any play, but I don't like to top myself. I would lst as soon as you think you can, just don't break the stem and don't lst if your plant will be bent into the soil. In my oppinion starting sooner than later is best because the stem is still very soft and bendable. Also start side branching much earlier.

Joven Agricultor

Well-Known Member
I've never grown an auto, but I've read the life cycle is too short to do any kind of topping or training. Read people even say they ran three side by side, natural, toped (once), and lst. The natural grown auto produced more than the other two did.