Pineapple Express, Sour Kush, Purple Berry, Blue Cheese, WiFi, and a couple others!


Well-Known Member
I'm having some issues with my internet, so I wasn't able to post all the pics for whatever reason. Anyways they are looking good and just about ready to harvest. I'm already starting to flush them out with water until harvest. The Sour Kush is really starting to give off some odor. It doesn't look very triched up until you really get up close and look at it. Then you can notice that every nook and cranny in the bud has trichs all over it. The buds are already rock hard. Actually the buds on all 3 strains are pretty dense. Overall I am pretty happy with how shit is looking. I can't wait until harvest, and I get to sample the goods. Not much longer until that time now!


Well-Known Member
Lookin really good man, can't wait to see how it looks and hear how it smokes. I've been doing some seed shopping myself and thinking of maybe getting some sannies herijuana and maybe some k.o. kush. I've heard good things on sannies but never tried them. I'm gonna finish my tga and hso strains before I order some more.


Well-Known Member
Lookin really good man, can't wait to see how it looks and hear how it smokes. I've been doing some seed shopping myself and thinking of maybe getting some sannies herijuana and maybe some k.o. kush. I've heard good things on sannies but never tried them. I'm gonna finish my tga and hso strains before I order some more.
I've heard some good things about some of Sannie's strains, but I haven't tried them myself. I've looked at the site, and it just didn't really appeal to me. I haven't tried TGA either, but I have a few HSO Blue Dream's put up. There is a couple TGA strains that look pretty good to me like the Chyernoble and his new one Jesus OG. I was over at my buddies, and I got to try out his Female Seeds C99 that was just harvested. The buds were completely caked with trichs, but I didn't really care for the taste of the smoke. It has a very tropical flavor, and a very heady high to her. It just isn't my style. He just harvested a Purple Wreck too. I will get to try that out in the next couple of days. The buds were leafy as hell on the Purple Wreck. I did the trimming on it, and after I cut all the leaves off there was hardly any bud left. Lol! I might be overexaggerating a bit.


Well-Known Member
I hear ya, its nice to have options. I hear ya on sannies the page didn't really appeal to me but I've done a lot of research on the herijuana ibl that they sell its supposedly a legit 25% strain. It mostly caught my eye when I found out the original genetics are a Kentucky outdoor that was named "new haven killer" and a strain from Humboldt county I believe. I want to bring it back if you will lol. He has really good reviews. As far as tga all I can say is the querkle I bought from them was a pick n mix single seed and I got lucky with a female that is seemingly a winning pheno so far. Super bushy with no topping or training. I have some more swiss cheese and no name clones for after those then I'm running my hso sour blueberry for a winter grow so I can toy around with night time temps and try to get some blue and purple. I'm really pleased with a bagseed I ran, it just hit 4 weeks flower and is really packing on the frost, its a more sativa dom. How are those pineapple express smelling?


Well-Known Member
I hear ya, its nice to have options. I hear ya on sannies the page didn't really appeal to me but I've done a lot of research on the herijuana ibl that they sell its supposedly a legit 25% strain. It mostly caught my eye when I found out the original genetics are a Kentucky outdoor that was named "new haven killer" and a strain from Humboldt county I believe. I want to bring it back if you will lol. He has really good reviews. As far as tga all I can say is the querkle I bought from them was a pick n mix single seed and I got lucky with a female that is seemingly a winning pheno so far. Super bushy with no topping or training. I have some more swiss cheese and no name clones for after those then I'm running my hso sour blueberry for a winter grow so I can toy around with night time temps and try to get some blue and purple. I'm really pleased with a bagseed I ran, it just hit 4 weeks flower and is really packing on the frost, its a more sativa dom. How are those pineapple express smelling?
Lol! Bring it back to Kentucky, I hear ya! That is interesting about that strain being from here. Pretty cool! And as far as the PE goes, it smells nice. It has a tropical/fruity smell with a slight skunky undertone. It isn't too overpowering, but you can smell it. It is a very solid looking plant. It is just covered in trichs and has a nice amount of bud on the branches. It looks finished to me. The calayxs have receded, and the majority of trichs are all cloudy/milky and amber. There is still a small percentage that is clear still though. The buds are pretty damn dense too. I'm planning on taking her down on Day 60 of 12/12. The Purple Berry looks to be finished as well. The buds are starting to get that amber glow to them. This plant has some nice size buds on her as well. It does smell of blueberries/berries. The leaves on all of the plants are starting to yellow off just the way that I like them too. I like the plants to use up every bit of goodness that they can! The Sour Kush will be the last plant to be harvested. That will probably be around Day 64 of 12/12. The trichs on her are still mostly cloudy with some clear and amber here and there. And to think that I was initially worried about how my Sour Kush was going to turn out. Now I think it has the possibility to be the best strain of this run. It looks really good now. The Pics just don't do it justice. Man I am so ready to harvest these ladies. My patience is running thin! I checked on my Attitude order, and I should get it in the mail today. Hopefully my beans are in there. Anyways I just have to say Go Cards!I loved the game the other night!


Well-Known Member
Hell yeah go CARDS! I loved it too, always been my team. Good to finally get a championship been way too long. Sad to see the girls lose that woulda been awesome to have both titles.. I can't wait to finish my current grow and get my pe in flower its driving me nuts. I think I'm gonna run the pe and qurkle both under a big scrog to try and maximize my yeild. I've done lst and supercropping but wanna try out a scrog. There's a lot of strains I wanna run lol its just the funds and space to do them on. I've determined when I move the house has to have a better and bigger space for me to play around with lol. I get a grow started and it seems as if by the time I get near harvest I'm already on the next one in my mind lol I guess that's just how it goes.


Well-Known Member
Hell yeah go CARDS! I loved it too, always been my team. Good to finally get a championship been way too long. Sad to see the girls lose that woulda been awesome to have both titles.. I can't wait to finish my current grow and get my pe in flower its driving me nuts. I think I'm gonna run the pe and qurkle both under a big scrog to try and maximize my yeild. I've done lst and supercropping but wanna try out a scrog. There's a lot of strains I wanna run lol its just the funds and space to do them on. I've determined when I move the house has to have a better and bigger space for me to play around with lol. I get a grow started and it seems as if by the time I get near harvest I'm already on the next one in my mind lol I guess that's just how it goes.
Shit! That is exactly how it goes! Lol! I just went and checked my mail, and my beans are here! Yea! I think a Scrog is the best way to maximize your yield, but I imagine that it will cut down on the number of strains you can have. I haven't tried it out yet though. I like to have a few different strains to toke on when I harvest, so I haven't tried a scrog yet. Once I find that ultimate strain, then I will clone the shit out of it and scrog it to death. I am still looking for that winner strain. I have found some really good one's though.


Well-Known Member
Alright, so I chopped my Pineapple Express yesterday. I would've liked to let her go a few more days, but I needed to get this ball rolling. I think it is pretty well done though. The smell when I brought it out of the grow room was just phenomenol. It has a very sweet fruity fragrance with just a touch of skunk on the ass end of her. The bud is just completely covered in a good amount of trichs. It yielded pretty good too. I'm guessing probably around 2 ozs. I think I only vegged it for about 5 weeks too. It was an extremely easy strain to grow for me. Although I haven't had any problems with any of the strains during this grow. The buds are pretty dense on the plant, but I will have to wait and see how it dries out. I grew her in Fox Farms Ocean Forrest soil. I gave her some Botanicare Power Flower and Cal/Mag a couple times, and I had only been giving her water for the last 2 weeks. The leaves started to yellow and drop off instantly after the switch to straight water. Makes me think I am getting every bit of goodness out of her this way. Overall, I have to say that this looks like a pretty solid strain. I will have to see how she smokes before I can say more. Oh, and I chopped her on Day 54 of 12/12. The trichs were mostly cloudy with a small amount of clear and amber. Pretty much the way that I like them. Anyways here are the pics that I took before the chop.

G13 Labs Pineapple Express



Well-Known Member
Wassup kyboy? Its been a minute since we last spoke! Looks like u gotta lot goin on down yonder! Shits lookin good man keep it up!


Well-Known Member
Wassup kyboy? Its been a minute since we last spoke! Looks like u gotta lot goin on down yonder! Shits lookin good man keep it up!
What up, bazookajoe! Long time, no see. Yeah I got a little bit going on, but I'm ready to move on to the next one now. I'll be starting a new thread in the next few days. Thanks for the praise bro!


Well-Known Member
Lookin good man, can't wait to see how the cured bud turns out. Lookin forward to putting mine in flower in just a few short weeks!
Ah man, I cannot wait to try this shit out. It is pretty stinky to be such a fruity strain. Lol! The buds are just really nice looking. They have a nice density to them, and they are frosty as all get out! Overall it is a pretty solid strain. My other 2 strains look like they are finished to me as well. It is just a matter of personal preference on when I want to chop them down.


Well-Known Member
Hell yea.. sounds like u gotta all-star line up with genetics! What's next in the bloom room?
Thanks man! Well this grow was alright, but I am still looking for something better. I mean these 3 strains are all descent, but I've grown other strains that I preferred more. From my sample buds that I took a couple weeks ago, I liked the Sour Kush Aka Headband the best. Anyways my next run will consist of OG Raskal White Fire, Connissuer Genetics The White S1, Devil's Harvest Strawberry Sour Diesel, and Paradise Seeds Sensi Star. They are all vegging under some CFL's right now. I just transplanted them into 3 gallon pots. I'm going to have to veg them for about another month under the 400w MH, after I get this last plant harvested. I'm expecting big things from this line up. Hopefully I get some top knotch buds from this one! Lol!


Well-Known Member
Sounds great bro..seeing ur menu of flavors got me thinkin I need to order some beans.. been rockin this same unknown strain for a while now, its good..but to much indica for my old lady she just passes out or complains about bein to high lol. I just switched my lighting to bare bulbs dropped in the center (400 hangin under a 250)with plants surrounding, height doesn't look like it gonna b an issue anymore so I'm thinkin bout givin a cpl 60/40 sativas a run.
Anyways, I hope ya score big on ur upcoming crops bro!


Well-Known Member
Sounds great bro..seeing ur menu of flavors got me thinkin I need to order some beans.. been rockin this same unknown strain for a while now, its good..but to much indica for my old lady she just passes out or complains about bein to high lol. I just switched my lighting to bare bulbs dropped in the center (400 hangin under a 250)with plants surrounding, height doesn't look like it gonna b an issue anymore so I'm thinkin bout givin a cpl 60/40 sativas a run.
Anyways, I hope ya score big on ur upcoming crops bro!
I went ahead and put another order in at Attitude just a minute ago, so I could get the 420 promo. I bought 3 Regular Grand Daddy Purple Phantom Cookies and 1 Fem. Next Generation Island Sweet Skunk. Just enough to qualify for the promo. I also opted for the regular freebies allowing me to get 2 Grand Daddy Purple Bay Dream's and 2 Delta Seeds Sativa House Mix which I could care less about. Lol! Then I get the 420 Promo seeds which consist of 1 Fem. Cali Connection's Original Sour Diesel, 1 Fem. TH Seeds Darkstar, 1 DNA LA Chocolate, and 2 Reg Grand Daddy Purple Bay 11's. I don't think that it is a bad deal at all. I've been wanting a good Sour Diesel representation, and I have heard that Cali Con's version is great minus the hermie tendincies that you also here about. Plus the Phantom Cookies sound so damn good too!


Well-Known Member
Not a bad deal!! I think I'm gonna jump on that too... its funny bc I was looking @ the tudes site before I. Flipped back over to riu and here u r talkin bout what I was just lookin @.. haha


Well-Known Member
Well, I harvested the Sour Kush today. I think today was Day 60 of 12/12. Regardless it looks finished to me. I might pull a litle more than I expected off of this. Hell, I originally thought it looked like I might only get about an oz off of her, but it looks like more than that to me now. This looks like it will be the better strain of the 3 that I grew during this run. I forgot to take pics of the Purple Berry before I harvested her. I ended up geting 52 grams off of her. I got right about the same off of the Pineapple Express as well. As far as yield is concerned, this was a pretty shitty cycle for me. I have been pulling closer to a half pound. It still isn't to shabby, since it was my first go at any of these strains. Anyways here are some pics that I took right before the chop.

Sour Kush AKA Headband


Well-Known Member
I ended up getting about 49 grams from the Sour Kush. Not great but not bad either. Everything is in jars now getting its cure on. I have transplanted all of the seedlings into 3 gallon pots with Fox Farms Ocean Forrest soil. I have them vegging under the 400w Metal Hylide now. They all look pretty healthy now. I imagine that they are going to blow up in the next couple days, since the roots are going to have a bunch of room to grow. Especially since they are going to be getting plenty of light now too. I'm ready to see what these strains are going to be about. I wasn't all that impressed with this past grow. Don't get me wrong, the Pineapple Express and the Sour Kush are both pretty good. I have smoked some with some friends and they really liked it, but I have grown better tasting buds in my past grows. The PE has a loud smell to it when I open the jar. It is very nice. The Purple Bery has a very nice smell to it as well, but it is lacking in both taste and potentcy. The buds are pretty fluffy too. They have bag appeal though. Anyways I will be adding a link to my new thread sometime soon, so I won't be posting any new pics on this one from here on out.