Pineapple express, Super Lemon Haze, Roadrunner (Pics) Help!


Well-Known Member
i had larva eating away at my stems in my ezcloner... looked basically like that... see if you can push down the cube a lil and get real close and see if you see any tiny black things moving. If so look around that black head and you'll find a clear larva body to follow. my clones died because of it but had no root system...


Active Member
From what i've been reading it is most likely a fungus gnat problem, I have noticed some dead winged insect bodies on the hydro table.. going to re-pot them today and put some sand on top so the adults won't lay their eggs anywhere.

we'll post more pics of the girls as they grow old so stay tuned.

-charms, out.


Active Member
Ok bad news. The road runner took a dive for the worst and is barley holding onto life trying to regrow it's root system over again.. the fungus gnats got so bad on the pineapple we we're forced to take mini clones, they're all trying to rebuild roots. Lastly the super silver haze wasn't fare behind the pineapple so we decided to take mini clones from it as well. I'll get some pictures later today and post them up here. small setback but we're still optimistic for our girls.


Well-Known Member
so sorry to hear the challenges you have been having. good luck with your path forward, and I'm sending good karma and endless energy for your effort. Good luck, walk on!!~~~~:blsmoke:
Ok bad news. The road runner took a dive for the worst and is barley holding onto life trying to regrow it's root system over again.. the fungus gnats got so bad on the pineapple we we're forced to take mini clones, they're all trying to rebuild roots. Lastly the super silver haze wasn't fare behind the pineapple so we decided to take mini clones from it as well. I'll get some pictures later today and post them up here. small setback but we're still optimistic for our girls.


Active Member
whats up guys, just ran into this threat lookin for anything to do with the roadrunner strain. And i am very devastated to hear ur roadrunner is about to die because she woulda definitely made u happy wen u harvested before the others where even half way. I have a roadrunner that even tho is only between 12"-18" tall she is on her last week of flowering and she looks like she will be some great smoke to hold me over for 2 more weeks until my White widow harvest.

My only recomendation would be the same soemone made already; get soem hydroton rocks and cover the roackwool with it putting ur drip into the hydroton insted of the rockwool, there for the last mentioned will stay drier and not cuase any nasty things growin int he dark.


Well-Known Member
It looks like "dampening off" to me from your media being to wet, the main stem right where it starts the root system needs to be allowed to dry out a little between waterings.


Well-Known Member
never drip directly onto rockwool, they other guy was dead on, pot that cube into clay and drip around the RW, also cover the cube or you will have algea all over, RW holds water too much, this does 2 things, will create a breading ground like he said but also waterlog your small root system, in turn making the plant apear to be over watered, but worst of all the roots act like scavengers, if your ramming water up its ass it wont get air and will not have any reason to grow in search for water...main thing here is air


Well-Known Member
mite just be a mildew problem light moisture and air is all it takes just try and clean em down a bit and find a way to cover the tops of em to block out the light


Well-Known Member
the first pix of seedlings was from RW always being wet, that looked like stem rot, before another drip cycle comes on you need to let the RW dry just a touch when they are young