pink stem


i need an opinion if this is good or not. i am a first time grower and i have researched it. but anyways heres the pic


Well-Known Member
normal on a seedling.. don't worry about it.. you'll see that split and woodier looking.. green stem will start to push the incredible hulk.

Edit:.. get them into separate containers if you still can.. IF you can.. the roots are likely already tangled..
I'd start a thread and ask if people have or suggest doing it.. I have hydro set up, and don't know what pulling them apart would do.. and you will hopefully get some help.


Well-Known Member
two in one pot ya.. not a good idea.
They are going to compete for not only nutes but root space, and light.. you'll end up with 2 root bound plants that will be smaller and produce less..than one would with enough space and nutes for it.. and one could take over and kill the other one too...

AGAIN!!! DON"T go ripping it apart until you check with some soil growers.. it may be too late and you'll kill them both.. so take the time and find out if it's the right thing to do at this may too late.


if it is too late, what if i transplant to a bigger pot if i cant carefully break it apart or what the experienced growers say?


Well-Known Member
again, the guys who grow in soil will likely know.. I have only grown hydro.. so I don't know the in's and outs of soil and what would happen if you pull them apart. I know you aren't the first person I've seen who's done it and the advice is always to move them to their own pot.. just not sure what kind of time frame is "safe".. you'll get some help.