Pinworm's guide to slow-mo-posting

This won't last either but hey

Sorry for the slight and random thread jack.. Sometimes when I'm drunk and high I just post wherever I'm at at the moment

I totally forgot my ex wife's # for a few min. My heart started pounding

That's fucked up.

Feels like we havent talked in a couple weeks but I know it's more like a month. One of my girls was interrogating her after stealing my sd card and getting her number.. Then they started gangin up on me in a screen shot texting war.
It was bad.. In a hilarious way though.

Did I ever tell you the story about the mom who leaves her (2nd) husband for his kid (her step kid)
Its Fuckin great. The step brother also dad of the other kid?
The original hubby seeing his son with his ex wife at Xmas?
So fucked up. My kinda story

He just texted me why I thought of it
Did I ever tell you the story about the mom who leaves her (2nd) husband for his kid (her step kid)
Its Fuckin great. The step brother also dad of the other kid?
The original hubby seeing his son with his ex wife at Xmas?
So fucked up. My kinda story

He just texted me why I thought of it
I gotta be drunk to understand this shit
huj... thatsb what yours look like?

maybe i should file some sort of sexyal harrasment suit. to be mod king

i knew sunni wasnt so nive and thoughtful in everyones warnings

You are to sexy to get a warning

they look like this

View attachment 3787928

just FYSA I dont believe I was abusive aggressive threatening or "trolled" anyone unless pin reported me all i did was post a picture of a nice big cock