Pipe..bong, what should I get?!

putrid retch

Active Member
I bought this bong/Toker II 34 yrs ago & still use it nightly. It used to be completely clear glass, but over the years, the tar & resin have gotten imbedded in the base, I think.
It's been thru a lot of stems, but that's the original base. The glass stems would break while reaming it, so I finally bought an aluminum stem & got a party bowl with a screen.
Still packs a wallop to this day....so my suggestion? BONG!!



Well-Known Member
Nice, I'm thinking of getting a pipe and a bong now.. maybe a Sherlock bubbler or something.


Well-Known Member
Ahh.. when I smoked out of my friends bubbler, his clogs with resin so much..
So I'm use to it, I know how to un clog it.
But it still is annoying haha, just as long as it's a good smoke.

Skate Hawaii

Well-Known Member
Ahh.. when I smoked out of my friends bubbler, his clogs with resin so much..
So I'm use to it, I know how to un clog it.
But it still is annoying haha, just as long as it's a good smoke.
arent you the guy that was asking for bud on maui? haha just get a cool piece here, they're really nice.


Well-Known Member
Yes I am the guy asking for bud on maui :D
Anyway's I'd like to have something before I go (Not going till December) for my house .


Well-Known Member
I have a bubbler that is perfect for smoking at home. If you want something nice and portable get a nice inside out little shovel.

Skate Hawaii

Well-Known Member
Yes I am the guy asking for bud on maui :D
Anyway's I'd like to have something before I go (Not going till December) for my house .
hmmm my brother got a really cool bubbler here too. theres many shops here that sells stuff like bongs, pipes, bubblers, and alot more stuff. salvia too.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, there is only two shops here "The Joint" and "Urban Bakery" I think there might be another one that I'm not fully aware of.

Both the shops here sell salvia also.
Mind posting pics of the bubbler if you can?
How much are pieces down there?

Also, Shamegame, what do you mean by "If you want something nice and portable get a nice inside out little shovel."

Skate Hawaii

Well-Known Member
Yeah, there is only two shops here "The Joint" and "Urban Bakery" I think there might be another one that I'm not fully aware of.

Both the shops here sell salvia also.
Mind posting pics of the bubbler if you can?
How much are pieces down there?

Also, Shamegame, what do you mean by "If you want something nice and portable get a nice inside out little shovel."
uhh i tried but im not really sure how to reply with sending pictures... i look under the attach files but it doesnt have anywhere for me to click to actually attach the files. how the hell do i?


Well-Known Member
I'm willing to take the risk, I'm normally pretty careful with "the equipment"
they any good?

Skate Hawaii

Well-Known Member
yeah, its like my blue one but not nice like that. you can find some for around the same size but the glass is pretty thin. my friend had one for a few months and than he gave it away. but as for the hit, it would hit just as good as my blue one.