Piper84 Blue Dream 600w Grow with HIGH HOPES


Well-Known Member
Middle of week 1 of flower update:

I got up this morning to turn the lights on and trim the plants for flower (chop of the will be popcorn buds) and defoliate for better light penetration. I also chopped some weak branches off the two bushes. I fed them as well, I got up at 7 and was still trimming the second plant at 830, I had to leave for work before I could get my trimmers on the tall one. I will be taking clones this evening and I will be checking on my sour D seed that has yet to pop. Got my new flouro lights and 3 gal smart pots, the clones I take i made sure they had the side by side branch style as opposed to the alternating nodes, so these clones will be ideal for my new grow where I will be main-lining all the plants :). Here are some pics from this morning. Hope you all enjoy these girls getting all budded up. More pics to come later this week but I will post pic of trimmed tall girl later tonight.



Well-Known Member
Day after cloning update:

Two of the 3 clones are now standing up which is a good sign, I have them on a 18/6 schedule already. I did however have to turn the lights off last night at 1130 to be able to start their 18/6 schedule though. I am alittle disappointed that my sour d seed did not pop but it is almost a yr old. its all black so i may just have to scrap it and grow up a liberty haze seed that I have or a pinapple chunk or a vanilla kush. I am leaning towards the haze just because everything is a kush and I have tried a pinapple strain before and it was not strong but was flavorful. We shall see maybe Ill pop 2 seeds if the one clone dosent make it. Other then that things couldnt be better. This will be the start of a good thing for me. I could go full on retard and have 3 flower setups but I think harvest every 2-3 months is fine by me :). I know i have seen someone on here that has that "never go full retard" so I won't thanks robert downey jr.


Well-Known Member
End of Week 1 of Flower Update:

I raised the light to make sure it wasn't too close that should be the last time for that. I also measured my plants to see how tall we are looking at so far, tallest so far 49" and other two are 36".
Clones look ok 2 better then 1 that is still bent over not sure it will survive. I also planted the sour D and only one clone. I need to get some more soil. Put them both in 3 gal smarties. The flowering girls all look they are about to pop their cherries anytime now. New growth since I have been checking ph have been 6.6 so acceptable for soil. Here are the pics.



Well-Known Member
Obituary Update:

So we have had a death in the piper84 family this morning. When I went to turn on the lights for the clones and sour D It looked like someone or something dug up my clone and sour D seed. I thought it was a ghost for a split second then sad to say reality sunk in an I have a mouse in the house and that son of a BITCH ate my SOUR D seed :(. I had laid a mouse trap in the room but apparently it was not in the right place. I searched and searched my soil for the seed but to no avail! I would not of thought of a mouse digging up my seed and eating it but sad to say it did. I replaced the empty pot with another clone I may just say fuck it and pop two new seeds the liberty haze and pinapple chunk wedensday. I am very disappointed because that was my only sour D freebie that I got from my last order (at least it was free). Everything else is going well and the flowering room looks like they are so close to popping I fed them this morning as well so I should start to see some flowers soon.


Well-Known Member
Middle of Week 2 Update:

Cherries have popped and I am so excited because now its time to watch them grow. On a side not I am scrapping cloning for now (I think since I was inexperienced I cut them too short) and going to pop 2 new strains pineapple chunk and liberty haze from barneys farm. Here are pics of the flower room from this morning.



Well-Known Member
There looking nice mate you'll be happy to see them growing I'm now 5 weeks in every single blue dream I have is different looks like I'll have a few down before the big sativa dom ones either way looks lovely


Well-Known Member
Thank you very much, I am super excited because now you can really see what im working with if you were there. I think there will still be a minimal amount of popcorn on these. I cant wait to see them in another 2 weeks its gonna be fun. I feel like its going by fast now almost week 3 already. I am going to start the flush of these ladies at the end of week 7 and run them out to 9 weeks so they have time to really fatten up and eat up all the nutes in themselves. Big buds coming soon.


Well-Known Member
Way to go dude, im gonna throw you some rep for your efforts. Those flouros will be much better for veg, they'll help you get nice growth with tighter node spacing.

I'm currently growing out some blue dream too, and so far it's a great plant. Mine are about a week into flower and just started getting buds a day or two ago. I'm hoping to start seeing some crystal formation so I know which one are keepers

I've also just recently Gotten my clones to start working; if you keep having trouble just get an aerocloner, they're cheap and you could find a small one for 30-40 bucks or make a simple one for less than that. I went through like 30 Cuttings with 0% success but since I got the cloner I'm 12/12 (100%) and hopefully soon I'll have 6 more. Just a thought-- if you don't get those clones rooting then your really gonna be pissed when you start passing by some keeper phenos.

Anyways, good luck man. Keep us posted.


Well-Known Member
I hear you and thanks for the rep. I did have a contingency plan, I gifted a few cuttings to a fellow grower that has been cloning successfully so I can always go to him if i need some more clones. As for me and my clones I am going to scrap them like I said and I already am waiting for 2 new strains to pop their seeds. And on a side note I did catch that bitch ass mother fucking mouse that ate my sour D seed and dug up my one clone. I didnt have any success with the snap traps but the night I brought in the glue it got stuck to one :) mouse 0 me 1.


Well-Known Member
I've found my keeper already the crystal production on it is very good and the buds are fat already just started week 5 today the longer sativas will go for about ten weeks I think the buds are still small on it it's really smelly as well mate and I have carbon filter in there too smells like sweaty funk haha I've got quite a bit pop corn on mines I use that to make honey bee oil though or bubble hash.


Well-Known Member
Marvelous I never thought of throwing the popcorn into the oil or hash but that will make me feel better then throwing buds in there. I am getting real excited by all these comments about week 5.


Well-Known Member
That's awesome you have a buddy who's running those strains that you can clone from. Hell, I wouldn't have anywhere near as big of a crop if my cousin hadn't managed to clone his white lavender for me. Now he's kind of pissed he did it tho bc mine turned out soooo much better than his lol.

But yeah, I started out by lollipopping extremely high up, but now I'm starting to see that I have a little bit better of an overall yield when I lollipop to a degree, but still leave some popcorn on the bottom. And yeah, especially if its a keeper and its covered in crystals-- throwing the loose scraggly buds in with your hash I'd well worth it.

Some strains its a lot easier having nothing but solid colas, but like I said I think the overall weight is a little better if you leave some branches/bud sites on the bottom


Well-Known Member
Start of Week 3 Update:

Fed the ladies this morning with week 3 nutes and did alittle trimming as well pulled some popcorn off and took pics of all of them also the spots that were super cropped. Raised the light to its final destination and also the Liberty Haze has popped up from in the soil. Still waiting on the pinapple chunk to pop then will take pics of them as well.



Well-Known Member
The flowers are coming the flowers are coming: The flowers are here and time to start fattening them bitches up. Took pics of what is everywhere on the girls hope you enjoy the preface to FAT BUDS, also took pics of the liberty haze and pineapple chunk.

Largers one is liberty, smaller one that just popped yesterday is the pineapple.

As far as the new seedlings go the setup right now are as follows:

2x4-4 T5 lights and have them in 3 gal smartpots and went back to what I know with the fflw soil. going to be adding a fan in there and a small humidifier to make sure the RH is high enough.



Well-Known Member
Middle of week 3 update:
Checked out the girls this morning and to my pleasure I see that the buds are starting to produce those frosty sugar leaves already :) now im not saying they are covered but you can clearly see the trichs, also going to be feeding them tonight when I get back home. Also on the new seedlings watered them today as well so they can get those precious nutes from the soil. I watered them with 2 gal of tap water and they are in 3g smartpots so I have to put them in the tub to let them drain initially so im sure they should not have much salt buildup when I do start feeding them nutes in the next week or so.


Well-Known Member
This stoner is very happy with what I am seeing. When I got home and did my nightly inspection of the plants they are starting to put on the goo :) baby. Looking like week 5 is going to be as exciting as i'm thinking I just need these buds to start fattening up. All in good time though :). Cant wait to post some pics this weekend.


Well-Known Member
End of week 3 update:

As you can see from the pics the girls have been busy this week stacking getting ready to ripen up. Also notice what I was saying about the goo :), I know it would be better if the pics were when the light was off and I am considering taking "night" shots here just because they are so good looking so far. The one pic the trichs are even starting to grow on the fan leaves how great is that for me since I'm going to be making some concentrates.

Can't believe that Im already going to be in week 4 tomorrow wow!

Time keeps flying by and soon it will be time to turn the next crop over to flower haha but thats alittle ways away. Anyway enjoy the pics. That tall plant is gonna have a big ol donkey on it :)



Well-Known Member
There looking good mate I'm now 6 weeks in had to get some bamboo sticks for the smaller indica one the buds were falling over so there tied and staked with bamboo and string.