Piss test


I just started my probation and i have to take pee tests and if i fail im pretty fucked does anyone know of an easy way to get the thc out of your system without using niacin or anything like that?


Well-Known Member
I just started my probation and i have to take pee tests and if i fail im pretty fucked does anyone know of an easy way to get the thc out of your system without using niacin or anything like that?
Im in the same situation, I usually quit smoking two weeks before the test, work out alot, drink plenty of water every day and just for good measure I drink a detox drink from a local headshop.

I pass every time.

Good luck :joint:


Well-Known Member
what I did and im clean now and I smoked on new years was just drink a gallon of water a day and a a shitload of cranberry juice and I was clean 2 days ago.I tested myself with a walmart test though.So that only took 10 days but they will usually let you have one dirty piss.


Well-Known Member
Why not just use niacin? I did the same as above except I took a pill of niacin everyday. Never had any problems passing. When I first found out about it I didn't drink any water though, and damn if my skin wasn't on fire!


Well-Known Member
Nothing in this world is worth you going to jail for violating probation, especially pot.

Drop the pot, get some "incense" or spice and use that until you're done with probation.


Active Member
I know a guy that would dip two fingers in bleach and allow it to air dry, and then when submitting his test, he would urinate over said fingers to taint the specimen. and he always came home from his probation appointments ... worth a try with a home test? kinda gross, but it's ur pee!