pissed off >:|


Active Member
my first successful lst looked like a beauty, topped it, vegged for over a month and all its another won of those limey males


Mr I Can Do That For Half
why are you not pulling early clones for sexing? You get the plant 8 nodes high take a clone and root it then put the rooted clone in 12/12 and it will early sex the plant so you dont waste time growing a full grown plant then flowering and finding out its a male


Well-Known Member
Why buy seeds that are not femanised i don't understand,buy femanised seeds and the chances are that all the seeds will be femanised .when i first started growing along time ago femanised seeds were unheard off.the seed producers are makeing it so easy for newbie growers now.stick with one of the well known supplyers like attitude greenhouse and you will be fine.dutch passion even sell single seeds what more do people want.but i not saying what you are doing is wrong there is knowlage to be gained in growing seeds that you don't know the sex of.but why did you not just clone the plant and 1/2 week after when it had legs flower it away from the rest of the plant make sure you number the clones or you will get well mix up.the clone will show you the sex and if it's male out it goes.


Active Member
ah thanks for the info filthy fletch, and yeh i should have bought fems, it was first time buying, next time im going fem all the way and this perticular plant was stunted pretty bad due to late transplant but when i finally moved it, it shot up big and beautiful, ive learned quite a bit from this perticular mistake. thanks for the comments