Pissed on my Plant


New Member
As I stated earlier, its comparing apples to oranges.
Certainly ,if the entire industry of weed plant genetics worked on strains for outdoor like they do for indoors, it's not within the realm of possibility that a 10 foot strain of White rhino couldn't be grown?
The sun cannot be duplicated with any bulb set up. That's a fact as well.



Active Member
Excuse me, msdsm39. I apologize for bringing a little revalation to your aeroponic world. You should probably get off your high horse and realize that aeroponics isn't the only form of horticulture. It doesn't look like you have any experience with soil, so don't you worry about my "crappy weed". Nobody said that urine was the BEST choice, just that it is a choice to add nitrogen.
yea a real lame brain choice.

NO SHIT you would have to add something else to flower and root, you dimwit..urine isn't a fucking cure-all...You worry about yourself and YOUR "crappy weed" because I guarantee that the weed you grow probably does not taste as good as soil-grown.

Not once have I or anybody else ever likened the taste of my weed to piss, so you have your facts twisted.

I'm willing to bet that anybody on this forum who used urine correctly will say the same.

BTW, I'm a little curious as to why you are reading a post about urine in a grow op, but you only want to bash people who support it. Fucking retarded lol.
because the fucking dude PISSED ON HIS FUCKING PLANTS!! The title alone makes you want to read this hilarious mishap. It was a mistake but it was the dumbest fucking mistake you could make just short of dropping a fucking light on your plants. If you piss on your plants and love the results then good for you, but people are entitled to their opinions and shouldn't have to bare being insulted for it. I agree that pissing on weed is dumb and I personally wouldn't want to even smoke your weed knowing you piss on it.

Just buy nutrients from a store and save your piss for the toilet.

siLky joHNsoN

Well-Known Member
Maybe if you poop on it then it will bring it back to live. But just remember to wipe w/ only the lower fan leaves but be careful not to break them off.

Lol. pissed on your plant

I have a spot in the lawn i piss on & it killed the grass, so i wouldn't recommend pissing on your plants :)
wow i just laughed out loud...hard...mostly from the first sentence


Well-Known Member
As I stated earlier, its comparing apples to oranges.
Certainly ,if the entire industry of weed plant genetics worked on strains for outdoor like they do for indoors, it's not within the realm of possibility that a 10 foot strain of White rhino couldn't be grown?
The sun cannot be duplicated with any bulb set up. That's a fact as well.

You mistake my disagreement for insidiousness where as this is not the case.
I have been doing this for a long time and i speak from exp and first hand knowledge only.
It is a myth that cannabis is stronger now that it was years ago,rubbish really,just more propaganda.

Mexican swhag is still crap now as is badly grown homegrowers indoor buds,whereas good Indian/Colombian outdoor buds are still as good as they were 20 years ago and good indoor crops are now the best because of the correct spectrum's of light that they recieve from our new advanced grow lamps.

I happen to know many peope who use greenhouses and indoor growing methods and i can tell you now which bud they sell and which bud they keep and wether you believe it or not they all keep the indoor stash for themselves.
Its called the private head stash:mrgreen::blsmoke::joint:


Active Member
yeah dont pee on it your pee is usually toxic stuff your body doesnt need but it looks like it should be fine just give it lots of water to flush the pee out of the roots


New Member
So you don't think it is possible to grow a large white rhino with the same thc outdoors? I'm curious. Indoor is the difference in thc content?



Active Member
So you don't think it is possible to grow a large white rhino with the same thc outdoors? I'm curious. Indoor is the difference in thc content?
I would disagree with that. You may be able to grow *bigger* plants more easily outdoors which yield more but I would think that indoors one could regulate and enhance the THC content in a more precise way.


New Member
I don't think anyone would argue in the area of yield. No problems there. I have never measured my THC content of any of my harvests, I just know they are kick ass.
So the question is given the same seed and planted at the same time indoor will out yield outdoor in THC content? This is hard to swallow for me. Be gentle... :hump::hump:



Active Member
you just asked a scientific question and when you have a question such as that the only way to know is to try it out and compare. Short of being a chemist you could probably only tell by smoking it and that's always the fun part. All that really matters is that it goes female and keeps healthy in my book because it will of course have high THC content. But, I am still certain that THC can be regulated more precisely indoors by controlling its nutrients, light, and limiting stress.


New Member
you just asked a scientific question and when you have a question such as that the only way to know is to try it out and compare. Short of being a chemist you could probably only tell by smoking it and that's always the fun part. All that really matters is that it goes female and keeps healthy in my book because it will of course have high THC content. But, I am still certain that THC can be regulated more precisely indoors by controlling its nutrients, light, and limiting stress.

Please send me some for comparison .. :shock: lol

I'm guessing tho (guessin) that you would encounter more stress by growing indoors. I don't ever seem to have a problem outdoor growing IMHO....:peace:



Active Member
no less stress for indoors. Mother nature is a bitch but marijuana is tough and can take the beat down. inside it lives like a king where its only enemy is you and the mites.


Active Member
yea, good article talking about growing lots in small places trying to keep the roots short. i do that too by feeding it water, nutrients directly to the base of the plant and just about an inch around it. I also provide it with rich soil like the article also suggested was needed. the point is that you do not need large plants as long as you have a bunch of small ones and since the small ones take less time to grow, then you will always have herb all year round.


Well-Known Member
I just know as i said before as would you if you had any real experience.
Have you ever actually grown any pot,anywhere?
I doubt it and if you have i would expect that it wasn't that good or you wouldn't even be saying what you are saying.

Unless you live in certain places in,India,Afghanistan,Jamaica or Columbia etc... then i wouldn't accept that the pot from outdoors would be stronger.
This is all to do with soil,temp and certain sunlight conditions and spectrum's of light that only occur in these areas and no where else on the planet.

These just also happen to be the countries that are kept in poverty......?:peace:bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
I just know as i said before as would you if you had any real experience.
Have you ever actually grown any pot,anywhere?
I doubt it and if you have i would expect that it wasn't that good or you wouldn't even be saying what you are saying.

Unless you live in certain places in,India,Afghanistan,Jamaica or Columbia etc... then i wouldn't accept that the pot from outdoors would be stronger.
This is all to do with soil,temp and certain sunlight conditions and spectrum's of light that only occur in these areas and no where else on the planet.

These just also happen to be the countries that are kept in poverty......?:peace:bongsmilie
Cannabis is one of the most adaptable plants in the world. It can be grown on every inhabitable continent. Anywhere one can grow a tomato, one can grow good cannabis outdoors.

I'm sure residents of Humboldt County, California, may disagree with you. As well as residents of the State of Hawaii.

It is prohibition which restricts the open cultivation of cannabis outdoors. Remove that restriction and you will truly experience the quality of outdoor cannabis.


Well-Known Member
Can't believe this shit is still going on :roll:

If you're gonna use pee dilute it, might as well just pee in the toilet, then water plants with the toilet water, no measureing.

Oh, and you can tell the ph level by taste, if it tastes like piss, it should be all good.
