Pissing all over your plants


Well-Known Member
whats ridiculous about this?
why is everyone jumping on the bandwagon and hating on this now, without even doing your own research?



note that urine is known for containing nitrogen, and how many threads are there on here about yellowing leaves and nitrogen deficiencies??


Well-Known Member
Some of these post on here really grind my gears. People post shit just to piss everybody off to get more & more responses just to get more points rep whatever & do do not know what the hell they are talking about! I might be bitching some but it is what it is!


Well-Known Member
Who in the hell wants to smoke weed with your piss on it. If it is yours do it try it & love it. Done.


Active Member
johnny good point, done with this thread with or without the research. Keyboard cowboys are on the prowl tonight
i piss directly on the buds 1 week before harvesting, and i leave my fans off so they get that nice piss mold, and that my friends is quality smoke.. kidding. i piss outside most of the time and it kills stuff


Well-Known Member
I'm not pregnant, but I will come piss on your plants for $10k plus airfare. This includes peeing on your plants 3 times a day for 7 days. My urine is in high demand so its not cheap. if you're interested PM to work out the dates.


Active Member
I hope you are kidding bro, or just adding fuel to the fire!! Please nobody water their plants with piss!!!! and yeah, just stop making these threads, makes all us potheads and growers look like morons!

I agree don't do it I just did it as an expirament and it wound up tasting like shit :spew:


Well-Known Member
here's the recipe from Sum-Ting-Wong:

3 Tablespoons of rocky mountain goat urine
1/2 Cup of baboon dung
2 Teaspoons of shetland pony semen
1 Donkey Punch

**all ingredients per 1 gallon of water


Well-Known Member
well me and a friend used to piss in his yard in the same area...and its grew taller and faster than the rest of the grass....sooo


New Member
In the words of ''Chris rock''
''We can all drive down the road using out feet'' but that dont make it a good fecking idea !!!


Active Member
you guys really think its a horrible idea.. i mean urine dose contain nitrogen, and in the veg state yea you could pee around your plants i guess. You should dilute it though or it will cause nute burn. as for everyone thinking that the bud will taste like piss.. NO i will not unless your pissing on bud in the flowering stage. think of all the nutes you guys use in the veg stage, then there is what 7-8 weeks after that till you harvest.. there isn't going to be Piss in the plant as what you guys think is piss is really NH4 which isn't absorbed by the plant, mearly the N.

why dose everyone rip on eachother so hard, everyones had questions... and like the teacher said 'no question is a dumb question'


New Member
if your going to use anything use RABBIT DROPPINGS, Awesome for soil, a grow field was found many years ago in Kuwait and under every single plant was a dead fish, The roots draw out all the minerals.