Pistils Drying Up


Active Member
So I have 3 Northern Lights, one of them has pistils that are drying up. I started all 3 of them at the same time and the other 2 still have white pistils. I know that once plants mature the pistils turn reddish/brown but do they also have the appearance of being dry or shriveled? Thanks for any input!


Active Member
It might be a lil quicker than the others, but its about the time they start to die and receed . Remember to check the trichs for ripeness.


Active Member
Yup, once the plant matures they shrivel up, turn reddish, and receed back into the bud. I'm sure there is a more scientific explaination but that's the gist of it. There job is to collect pollen. Hope this helps.


Active Member
Yup, once the plant matures they shrivel up, turn reddish, and receed back into the bud. I'm sure there is a more scientific explaination but that's the gist of it. There job is to collect pollen. Hope this helps.
So once they shrivel up, would the buds be ready for harvest? What if there are still a number of clear trichomes left?


Active Member
Aways go by the trichs, I've had plants with pure white pistols and 10-15%amber trichs. The usual is to harvest between 5-10% amber trichs. Check often, but dont be to quick to pull, buds also like to swell up around this time.


Active Member
Sounds like your one plant is getting ready for harvest.
When its harvest time the bud leaves will start to hook upwards...do a search for the thread "harvest time a tutorial"