pistils going brown too early


New Member
pretty much the problem is stated above. My plant was in 12\12 for 23 days and about 4-5 days ago the pistils started going brown, i'm afraid that i fucked up somwhere . please help .


Well-Known Member
I have had some pistils turn brown that early it can be normal. Did you spray your plant with anything recently?


New Member
I have had some pistils turn brown that early it can be normal. Did you spray your plant with anything recently?
no, well about a 1.5 months ago i had a spiderant problem and i had to spray my plant with soapy water, but back than there was no sighns of pistils.
did your plant make it to harvest time?


Well-Known Member
Yeah that wouldn't affect it. Mine made it no problem, at this point the plant is not done throwing out new pistils.


Well-Known Member
It can be a few different things and range from being not a problem to a serious issue. I have seen them change from overload of nutes, or accidentally touching them with greasy hands etc. All you can really do is make sure you're keeping things in the sweet spot as much as is in your control. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
touching them or debri flying onto them etc. fan leaves that blow around and touch mine seem to make some of the ones in the middle go brown early also. never had seeds in my bud.


Active Member
It's normal for your plant genotype pistils to go a lil'bit brown at this time, it's nothing to worry about if you don't have any deficiencies or toxicities showing up. I'm still a newbie though, but I experienced the same thing as you on one of my plants and right now it's almost before harvest and all is fine, I suspect some killer weed hopping in my pockets soon. :P

By the way, what light are you using, natural?