Pistils turning brown way to early

I'm growing 2 plants in my grow box one is a auto northern lights and a kush van stitch, there growing in seasoil and under a 39 watt sunblaster and 5 12 watt cfl bulbs, and lately I've the pistils along the main stem have been turning brown from the tip down idk what's happening

People say its a sign of pollination but there are no males around...

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
A female plant can produce male flowers that can pollinate itself or other flowering females around. If the plant is pollinated, the pistil will recede into the calyx and the calyx will begin to swell. Keep an eye out for yellow (or green) oval pods or banana shaped growth on your plants.


Active Member
also, pistils can die off if not fertilized, and replaced by a new growth of even more pistils. The true sign of a ready harvest is swollen, pregnant looking calyxes, abundant tall stalked resin glands, and a general darkening in color. Many hybrids are harvested with more than 50% white hairs; the hairs are not the tell-all....