

Active Member
My Blue Cheese has more pistils then I have ever seen on any MJ plant. It is in week 7 of flower and WOW there are so many white pistils all over. My question is, what are the pistils used for b the plant and will these get trichs on them? I never wondered this before cause the pistils on my other grows were small or didnt have that many, but this plant is just covered in millions of long long white healthy looking pistils all over. In some spots it is covering the leaves. I mean it looks awesome, but there arent that many trichs yet so I am wondering if this is a good thing.


Well-Known Member
It is indeed a good thing my brother! You will soon enjoy the fruit's of your labor! They are trying to catch pollen to make seed's before they die. they will also made a lot of sticky oil to help! wait for it to rippen and send us some pic's! jack

Hugo Phurst

Well-Known Member
Pistils are female sex organs. You'll have a nice bag of "Red Hair" when you're done.

Trichs on pistils? Kinda looks like it, but what do I know.


Well-Known Member
Just to be clear, as I think a lot of people make this mistake. The pistil is the calyx, ovary, and stigma (the STIGMA being the white hairs). And these are used by the plant to collect pollen from the air.

Peace, DST