Pistol Tips Gone Orange?


Well-Known Member
She could have gotten pollinated. Thats the beginning stage of seed making and the pistols orange up and shrivel. So get your pollen chuckers (males) out of there.


Well-Known Member
No chance of being polinated... Ut oh.... Recently i think i had a ph lock out could it not b todo with that?


Well-Known Member
Yes it can. Stressed plants will have their pistols orange up faster. Get to flushing.
Thanks bro, liked your bag seed grow btw! Its been flushed yesterday waitin for it to drain now, when do you recon it will pick up? He under watered it then over watered it then the ph lock out occured.


Active Member
you want your ph @6.5 as going lower or higher you lock micro-nutriants . 6.5 is were your plants can up take all esential nutriants. Without a pic i /we carnt help , we can only guess and no one wants to guess .


Well-Known Member
I hope you're right about the "PH lock", but just in case...it'd be a really good idea to look the plants over closely, and make sure there aren't any balls poking out anywhere.


Well-Known Member
No balls. Ive had a thurough inspection myself altho il ask to see them tomorow to make a final judgement


Well-Known Member
Right got some pics of them but there so small you cant even see the orange on the photos!

No 1 ever had this happen before?