Pistols shriveling up on buds. Why? - Photos attached


Active Member
I'm in week 4 flower.
A few of the buds on my plant don't look right. The pistols on a few of them look all shriveled up. On the normal buds the pistols are white and standing up. But on these buds the pistols have shriveled up and look kinda brown.

Have you seen this b4? What is it from and what should I do about it?

Thanx guys



Well-Known Member
lol, theres nothing worng with that, it happans as your plant gets older usally you harvest when 80-90% of your hairs are brown , though looking at the tricombs is way better


Well-Known Member
pistils dying is part of the process
from what i can tell you're plant looks fine.
near the end you will find 50-90% of those piostils turn color and shrivel. bubba kush will have all red hairs/pistils by the end end of week 5 early 6... she;s nto done until week 8/9.

anyone see/feel any differently?


Active Member
Thanx guys,

I was getting scared that I was doing something wrong. My last attempt at growing Bubba went bad. I have made a lot of changes and think I have things going much better this time. The baby buds are already bigger than they were towards the end of week 5 on my last grow. (that is when they got sick & died)

So I should expect to see all of the buds do this then. I imagin that they will still gow like this too?

Thanx for the quick response. :hug:


Well-Known Member
Yeah they still grow.

The pistils have basically 1 main purpose and that is to collect pollen. Now that they are shriveling and turning color, the plants will start to produce seed pods (false seed pods if they never got pollinated).

So, you will notice them filling out and getting juicy fat until harvest :)

just learning

Active Member
Ive got big swollen seed pods on a female plant, but ive also got what looks like tiny bananas on a few buds. this plant seems to be very slow and has taken a long time to do her thing. would i be right in thinking that the time to harvest is near. some of the pistles are turning brown but not uniform over the plant. are these seed pods going to produce a seed since ive got banana type things apearing?


they still grow.

The pistils have basically 1 main purpose and that is to collect pollen. Now that they are shriveling and turning color, the plants will start to produce seed pods (false seed pods if they never got pollinated).

So, you will notice them filling out and getting juicy fat until harvest :)


Well-Known Member
those bannanas are male flower parts. youve got a hermie on your hands...sorry about your luck. if theres only a few you can pull them off.


New Member
fucking A!!!!!!!!!!! that helps me out alot too.....the same is happening to me too, my first grow, and I'm just starting week 5 and just a few hairs are turning brown, the bottem ones first, someone told me that they were gonna be hermie if the bottem ones start to turn first


If he’s one month into flowering and these photos represent the size of the average flower, and the pistols are browning, then I think something may be wrong.


I'm in week 4 flower.A few of the buds on my plant don't look right. The pistols on a few of them look all shriveled up. On the normal buds the pistols are white and standing up. But on these buds the pistols have shriveled up and look kinda brown. Have you seen this b4? What is it from and what should I do about it? Thanx guys
So did you ever figure out if the shriveling pistils were normal or a problem??