Pistols turning orange too soon?

It depends on how much pollen flew. Most likely you will find a few seeds is all.

Also I was thinking about it and there is another reason the pistils could all turn early and that would be a foliar spray.

I wouldn't worry too much just keep an eye out.
Haven’t done any sprays, had a real good look at all the girls and could not find any pollen sacks anywhere. I’m thinking this could just be genetics a friend is running the same clones and the same is happening with him. Could direct air flow onto the buds cause this as well? Drying them out almost ?


Well-Known Member
I wouldnt worry one bit. They look fine to me. Are you week 4 flom flip or week 4 from first pistils? This is the problem with using different terms of what "flower" is?

EDIT: I'm assuming youre week 4 from flip. Still not a problem.

conor c

Well-Known Member
Any chance someone touched that plant cos that could do it that can turn em brown premature as can over feeding but its not that in this case or I reckon you would have more than one doing it it could be pollinated of course but if u cant see any seeds or pollen sacks etc id go with someones touched it till u find evidence otherwise its not the light i think either cos it be burned or bleached or something if so