
Aww I like your retarded dog Seamaiden! Dalmations are a strange breed for sure I think they are TOO inbred. Many are born deaf and a lot have innate behavioral problems too. Pretty though and i have met my fair share of good ones.
I own 3 pit bulls, and i have a lot of fun conditioning them and taking them 2 shows... One of them is having pups on Oct 13. I'll be the first to say, that they are dangerous. It takes a responsible owner to take care of them and contain them so there are no dead dogs in the neighborhood.

However, most of the time they are loving sweet animals, and require a lot of human interaction, and socialization.

Also, how does the type of animal you choose to own, reflect a mans level of security. I believe those who talk shit about the breed are just misinformed by the media, and have no real experience with American pit bull terriers.

My dogs would do anything for me...

P.S. - I have owned a beagle also!

this is all i was trying to say, yet i get called every name in the book while you get smothered in praise. i don't get it.

i think i already said i don't like ANY dogs. no ones listening though. you all just immediately jumped on the defense. i got as far as this post and a few after it. once i started getting hit with over-sized pics shoved down my throat i quit reading. :bigjoint:

if you're a thug and you go get a new dog, 9 times outta 10 it's a pit. :fire:
Dave said he didn't like ANY dogs. And then he got to hang with Missy Dawg, my old fool dawg. Now he likes Missy Dawg.
Aww I like your retarded dog Seamaiden! Dalmations are a strange breed for sure I think they are TOO inbred. Many are born deaf and a lot have innate behavioral problems too. Pretty though and i have met my fair share of good ones.
Well thank you, NG, but that's the smart one. The retarded one died over 25 years ago. This one turned three this last April, and is the same one who's been turned in to animal control twice before we took her. I've got a picture somewhere showing what can happen to you if you're not careful and let her get too happy. She raised welts on the backs of my legs, with awful bruises. Because she was HAPP-EE! The tail gets to whippin'.
it has prolly already been said but i read about half of this repetitive shit and decided to throw my .02 in and try to put it into terms cannaheads can understand.

the fact of the matter is that genetically speaking a pit is more aggressive than other breeds and is predisposed to have more of a protective and combative nature.. hundreds of years of breeding dictates this. they are also much more physically capable than other dogs so like a psycho Chihuahua that bites your arm aint gonna do shit compared to a pit taking a chunk out.. thus there are much less reports of other dogs attacking simply because they do less damage. i have been attacked by a lab mix and punched the shit of it and it ran away like a bitch.. a pit would have gotten pissed and eaten me for lunch.

now genetics just like with cannabis require an experienced handler. someone new to growing trying to take on a particularly finnicky breed of cannabis will most likely fuck it up and end up with a bad product.

same with a pit. it is a strong willed dog and needs an owner that knows how to properly train and discipline them. you cant just hit it on the nose with a newspaper and watch it curl into the fetal position.. not happening. that being said in the right hands a pit can be a perfectly gentle and loyal dog just like any other breed

lastly because of their reputation two things happen. first of all it makes would be good owners with familys and such who want a good dog to stray away because they do not want a menacing off the hook attack mongrel roaming thier hallways. they will go for another breed. at the same time because of their rep you get all these gangbangers and wanksters picking them up as a status symbol and street cred who treat them like shit, abuse them, and do not train them properly.. they get raised like wild animals they act like wild animals plain and simple. when you combine these two things you end up with a very skewed ratios of good owners to bad owners thus good dogs to bad dogs.

not only that but alot of these people let their dogs have puppies and let them basically run wild or give them to whoever will take them and there is a large excess of these dogs around which is why more of them get picked up by the pound and whatnot to be euthinized.. i donno about you but if i was raised like that by a bunch of street scum who abused me i would wanna fuck shit up to

now when you take all of the above principles into consideration you can see how more pit attacks occur and are reported than other breeds.. if rotties had as bad of a rep people wouldnt want to have them either and you would see snoop dogg and whoever else reppin rotts and it would be the same problem with a different breed..

thats just my thoughts

My ShihTzu has ADD. You have to constantly yell him "buddy, go eat your food. Buddy get back to your food" *picking him up and setting him at his bowl*

"Damn Buddy, eat your food before the big dog gets it"

He likes to leave the food in the bowl so he can chase the cats for entering the room. I swear he'd rather guard his food than eat it. One of these days he's going to starve to death guarding a full bowl.

I love this pic!

I can't keep arguing the same points over and over with people who have never owned, handled or even been around a pit. The just do not have ANY first hand info...just what they've read and heard.

You guys should check this story out. "Saving Mike Vicks Dogs"
Saving Michael Vick's Dogs - washingtonpost.com

I state earlier in this thread that I have fostered and owned well over 20 pits in my life and many of them came from fighting situations. NoBody will believe me that we have rehabed many dogs and placed them with great homes. They just want to be loved....thats it...

These people actually saved almost all of the 50 fighting dogs taken from Vicks Home. It tracks the story of many of the dogs and you will be amazed and hopefully informed. The best part is...
Mike Vick was told by the judge that he had to pay for the care of these dogs for the rest of their lives!! UP to a million dollars if need be.

The reason we are even having this discussion is because of cock stains like Vick.

With all due respect, isn't Mr. Vick really more the exception than the rule?
AS far as rescuing the dogs? Absolutely....its 99.999% chance that they will be euthanized if supsected of fighting.
I think these dogs were saved for two reasons.
1. They wanted to prove to people that rehab/retrain is possible and when will you find a bigger stage?
2. It was such a big story that donations flowed in and they also made Vick pay for it. 22 of the dogs are still in a wildlife sanctuary and are undergoing constant training in hopes they can be placed. But even if they cannot....they will live happy long lives on Vick's tab.

I had a chance to work with Linda Blair (yes that Linda Blair) recently in Pamona, CA.
She donates tons of money to pit bull rescues and shelters. She mentioned that she has heard there was well over 10 million dollars donated after the Vick incident and all of that money is being used to do this same kind of rehab with other suspected fighting dogs around the country. Maybe this story wont be the exeception to the rule, but the first option whenever possible.
Vick should have really gotten a harsher punishment. As an NFL player he is in a role model position for many youngsters.

While I agree that I wouldnt mind if he never got out of jail, the fact is the laws just aren't in place. The judge gave him a pretty stiff sentence and alot of money left his pocket. The biggest impact will be felt when he gets out... he will be booed and harrassed everywhere if he is allowed back in the league (which WILL happen). He also had to give back around $30 million to the Falcons.
I love pitts they are so smart and so sweet. I know they have a bad rep, but mine loved all animals and people. I started him on love and finished him on love!!!
I think it makes a differance.
my dogs dum, he run in frunt of my 4x4 and got run over.

my dogs smart he can open doors,

my dogs dum he ran into the motor bike and got ran over,

my dogs dum he sit's in the sun and get brunt nuts!!!

my dog's good at huntin, his name is ool,its skunk his brother was bud,

my dog


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my dogs dum, he run in frunt of my 4x4 and got run over.
Fuck! So did my old Lab mix! Right in front of my son, when he was about 8yo. It was the third time she'd walked in front of a passing car, and it wasn't the last time, either (just the scariest).
my dogs smart he can open doors,
That's called "too smart for anyone's good". :lol:
my dogs dum he ran into the motor bike and got ran over,
Reference Old Dawg. Sheesh.
my dogs dum he sit's in the sun and get brunt nuts!!!

my dog's good at huntin, his name is ool,its skunk his brother was bud,

my dog
God DAMN! GOOD DOG, GOOD DOG! That was a BIG kill, wow. :D Old Dawg was a really good hunter, bestestest squirreler you'd ever wanna see. And gophers, oh MAN that dog could git 'em. That was when she was young and could stand up and walk and run and stuff. Now she's Lump.


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My dog is goofy and silly (golden retriever)

my dog is so dumb he can't remember he's supposed to be eating (Shih Tzu)

My cat will kick your ass though

No, we've moved on. :D Now we're getting into kick-ass kitties.

Stinky used to be a serious kick-ass kitty, but he's gettin' old. He is Hazel's leader (yes, she follows him around like a dog.. wait a minute..! :lol: ).