
I want to get a white one and name him Kif. Oakley is a pimp name to.

not really. i donno i wanna name him my hobby- BLAZE lmao. i donno or CASH for some reason, haha. i always wanted a dog and if it was a girl, Zaya or something but its a cute lil boy and its gonna be a pretty big dog, i don't wanna name him something little ish lol.
You DO know that all of the breeds of dogs in the world are 'man made' ...Pits WERE bred to fight. That will be in them at least a little bit until it is bred out of them...

So basically, yes, it does mean the pits all have the same qualities to an extent.. Brought up by the same person or not. Just like all blood hounds have the keen sense of smell that they were bred to have.... and sheep dogs have the herding skills they were bred to have.

yeah they are "bred to fight"that dosent mean that the dogs are loose cannons.
when you say "they are bred to fight" , do you know what that means ?
It has nothing to do with the mental state of the dog,its all about build, stanima , and shit like that. the thing people need to be afraid of is what a dog can do if it snaps, not what kind of dog it is , any dog just like any person has the ability to snap and just go on a killing spree,so dont single out pits,becouse a german sheperd can do alot more damage to a grown man oposed to a pit bull.
A real pit male only ways in at around 60-65 lbs.
my moms golden retreiver male is peaking 125 lbs.(3yrsold)
which one would you want tearing at your ass?
stop listening to the hipe.
oh,oh, there bred to fight, why would have that dog around your kids ?
becouse she keeps your ass away from my kids, so yeah maybe yall should keep listening to the hipe.
Uggh ... I didn't even say that they were loose cannons .. I was just contradicting another user in this thread by pointing out the fact that pits were bred to be fighter dogs, therefore they have impeccable abilities to learn how to fight very well in comparison to any other breed !... They are commonly used in fighting BECAUSE of this .. They didn't get the rep they have for NO reason. I agree that the problem lies in the common assumption that every single pit is a fighter dog, but I disagree that they don't deserve the rep that they have...

Again, blame the owners for this... Not the dogs. Doesn't change the way it is though.
Also, throughout history, as we all know, pitts were bred to fight, but another thing they were bred to do was to not bite humans. no other breed has been taught that. pitts are great dogs to have around a family b/c of that. a good bred pitt, with proper upbringing (being shown that is in no way the alpha of the pack) will make one of the best known pets to have. they are remarkably loving, adaptive, and have great composure. the media concentrates on the ones that are bred to be so aggressive by the owners. but even aggressive pitts can be rehabilitated and be great companions. i have a very strong respect for pitts as far as their behavioral traits and strong physique.
Yeah ... I'm told not to single pits out... But it's ok to be an extremist when it's in favor of them...

All defenses conjured up from their bad rep aside, there are hundreds of other breeds of dogs that suit just as well if not better as pets. So I still don't get the big fanaticism over them... But what do I know.
well, i can see what u'r saying. i felt exactly the same way about them until 2 yrs ago when i had one and had to give him because i had to move to a place where they were illegal. i was amazed at my big boy. Ever since him, i haven't felt the same way again.
What? There are places pit bulls are actually illegal? That's going a little too far...

A friend of mine owns a pit, I must admit that she is sweetheart...
What? There are places pit bulls are actually illegal? That's going a little too far...

yeah - that's how bad it got in some places. there illegal in a few different countys of some states like florida is one of them. it sux. and if they find one in your house they'll give a $500 fine and it could get as bad as taking the dog from u to uthanize it. horrible. and sad.
In the UK it is known as a "banned dog" - that's become their nick name. IF you are caught with one without a license you will receive a fine and the dog will be put down. There is apparently a way to get a license to own one but the dog has to be imported and neutered - breeding in the UK is a big no no! I heard you can look at a prison sentence for breeding them.
FL illegal? what counties? Denver and a few other cities,i know of them being illegal, but where in fl.

yeah - that's how bad it got in some places. there illegal in a few different countys of some states like florida is one of them. it sux. and if they find one in your house they'll give a $500 fine and it could get as bad as taking the dog from u to uthanize it. horrible. and sad.
I cannot beleave that someone that understand pot so well as FDD would be the same type of person to say that pit bulls are just different... they attack for no reason... blah blah... people need to start realizing that its all on how you raise the dog... true that diferent breeds are prone to different attitudes... the pitbull is a very powerfull dog and it needs to be excersized correctly and given a job... showing them who is boss right from the start... if you got ganged up on by some wild pits that is one thing... but saying that pitbulls will attack for no reason?... shit there is a reason... maybe you should have showed them whos boss ol fdd... cary a stick next time eh... lol...

I second that!^^ If you raise them correctly. Socialize them with other dogs when they are young. Socialize them with the right people. They will be fine. JUST like any other dog. Pits have tons of energy, like genfranco said. Pits are defiantly not a lazy mans dog. They must have extensive exercise every day.
I just built a spring pole for my 2. Mack still young but Babie is catching on quickly. a little peanut butter always a good way to get their attention to something new. :)
I second that!^^ If you raise them correctly. Socialize them with other dogs when they are young. Socialize them with the right people. They will be fine. JUST like any other dog. Pits have tons of energy, like genfranco said. Pits are defiantly not a lazy mans dog. They must have extensive exercise every day.
I just built a spring pole for my 2. Mack still young but Babie is catching on quickly. a little peanut butter always a good way to get their attention to something new. :)

god bless peanut butter
:lol: And TAPE! Gen, I wanted to reiterate the importance of something you mentioned, and that is that the dog have a "job". One could postulate that the whole reason for domestication to have occurred in the first place was that humans were giving "jobs" to the animals we domesticated. I know for a fact that a bored border collie is a ruinous dog, because they're smart and really do need something to occupy their minds. Same for almost all dogs (except Old Missy Dawg, she's content living life as a lump).