Pix** Led all specs, Hps, Mh, Uvb, Negative ions What else could i experiement with?

Detroit J420

Well-Known Member
My Set up 3 weeks into flower tommorow Master K, Rasberry C., AK-48 6 of eatch all from seed.
I wanna hit em with negative ions serious Danger zone uvb, And use my dual arc 1000 watt probably in another week. Should i tranplant into 5 gallon for a bigger yeild what do you think i'll get in weight?
Maaan i got so many xtra ballast and bulbs, and a extra ufo of different specs 630nm and 660 nm different blues too and white. I wanna try out sunpulse but i dunnu anyone here have any luck with sunpulses 3k or there uvb i want that fucken uvb 1000k they got!


Detroit J420

Well-Known Member
Y Go Hydro? i dont get any bugs, no gnats either, id rather super veg with a 90watt led and get the same yeild less stress what you know about that...
i think i can rip 18 zip's of 6 plants i have studied n studied man got underpadding under my tent keep roots warm i know exsactly what temp i gotta keep the outside of my tent for the inside to hit a certain Temp.
window is open fresh air into the basement is a must ive fucked around with c02 pucks before. And wanted a c02 natural gas generator since gas is included in my condo association but im worried about toxic health shit so probly not.

Detroit J420

Well-Known Member
Now all i gotta do is start playen music for my plants, and take em for walks, go to church with them and stuff lol ill be on the next don't do drugs commercial he lost it im just playen
No responses fuck you all then! lol


Well-Known Member
Congrats on over parenting ;) I'm trying a bit of that myself - turned on 4 of my 8 UV bulbs running 3 different spectrum with complete side lighting. Now is the time to start breeding your own beneficial bacteria and eventually try for the same yields pure organic - offers better smoke and much more of a challenge.

Your avatar is slightly hostile looking.

Detroit J420

Well-Known Member
LOL on the avatar i just look like a killer im really a nice guy. What have you noticed in difference with the high of uvb iv only ran it twice once with PPP and once with Master Kush the MasterKush was very very noticable when it came to the high.


Well-Known Member
The first time I really implemented it was with a new strain to me that I had not grown before so I cannot comment on differences with the high. I did notice that it was exceptionally resinous - not so much more trichromes but the bud was much much heavier and sticky - like sap sticky. Took forever to dry - over two weeks - exceptional pot.

Detroit J420

Well-Known Member
The galaxy is cool i got 2 lumateks though lumateks #1, my galaxy is just a back up it works perfect and everyting but gives off major RF iterference cable company will shut you down if you use that mugg. I herd it has something to do with the grounding but i havent figured it out yet. I once read a post about a cable company fixing the interference for someone, wish i could figure it out ill then its just a back up runs silent its bad ass but the interference.
Dude, loop the cable through a ferrite bead! They're just a couple bucks and may well end the interference. Call a grow shop cuz I'm no pro, but that makes sense to me.