Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS


Well-Known Member
Open a new thread i didn't come here to read this shit!! Nobody cares about who your racial like and dislikes are, there is a reason that people like you are called close minded, so why don't ya just keep it closed and to yourself.

Sorry to op this was not aimed at you, just the asshole your answerin

i lived in the most jewish area outside of isreal located in ny, they are fucking irritating and xenophobic(chasidim) despite their name meaning something entirely different they are not "open-minded" and can't drive worth a shit. I was raised jewish and they made me hate conservative jews. Glad i returned to atheism early enough that they became satire in my childhood/early teens.


Well-Known Member
Open a new thread i didn't come here to read this shit!! Nobody cares about who your racial like and dislikes are, there is a reason that people like you are called close minded, so why don't ya just keep it closed and to yourself.

Sorry to op this was not aimed at you, just the asshole your answerin

If you want to be a douchebag, at least post a picture.
