Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS


Well-Known Member

I'll be going to hospital tommorrow morning for a few days, to see if I can get new hips, so these pics will have to tide you over till after the weekend.

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
ANC, Best wishes for a speedy recovery. At least we know you won't be chasing the nurses anytime soon. With your lucky you'll probably get a male RN. WW


Well-Known Member
good luck ANC. hope they give you one of those titanium things with bionic laser canons. That would be the shizzle.

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Lol, man, idealy I hope they say its not needed cause I'm a major prude (some emotional complications with circumcision when I was about 3), I do not plan to hang balls in the wind whle they saw my hip bones off, not to mention the catheter they'd use. Just like no fucking way, Period. I do think I am going to enjoy a few days of pain management though, I got like a two page script full of pain meds I'll be on. But I'll be bored shitless as I don't have no fancy ipad or smartphone and my wife can only come visit on thursday night - she can't drive. But ultimatly we'll get through this. The only alternative as with anything is death.



Active Member
1:40 - "uhp, eddy, he's peeing on you" thats a cool ass dude cuz as soon as he realized what happened he started laughing hella hard.
2:20 - lmfao
i wonder if thats the same guy at the beginning and the end. he fell the first time, made it back up and fell again...


Active Member

ull have to watch this video a few times to truly appreciate the lack of coordination...


Active Member

why cant these guys do a jumping jack? its too bad terrorists dont have to do jumping jacks to set off their bombs, otherwise we'd have nothing to worry about.


Active Member
Too much Sunlight and not enough Bath's, brain's are cooked.I thought we would never get to come Home.
i assume your talking bout the troops coming back from the middle east? we've been there for a long time, before operation "get that oil", and we arent leaving...ever. i dont wanna get a some crazy rant you'd read on a non pothead site with the crazy conspiracy theories, but war is fucking stupid. i got family who went over there and i love and respect them, so i keep my feelings to myself around them, but theres always a hidden agenda. you think the govt is gonna tell you everything? hell no. anyway...this is funny...



Well-Known Member
i assume your talking bout the troops coming back from the middle east? we've been there for a long time, before operation "get that oil", and we arent leaving...ever. i dont wanna get a some crazy rant you'd read on a non pothead site with the crazy conspiracy theories, but war is fucking stupid. i got family who went over there and i love and respect them, so i keep my feelings to myself around them, but theres always a hidden agenda. you think the govt is gonna tell you everything? hell no. anyway...this is funny...

I would assume he has been over there by the use of first person in the post..