Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

WTF!!!!!!!!!!! I saw a split in my screen on the lanai and now I wonder what has made it inside house? Last night I saw a chameleon being chased by the cat so if they got in, so did the spiders? OH MY. Now I'll have to clean this house from stem to stern. Shit.

Don't like spiders? Get one of these to move in, they eat spiders. This guy has taken up residence in my house in Thailand. No more spiders.


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So Sven & Ole are out deer hunting and Ole shoots a nice doe. Sven, being kind of squeamish about gutting deer decides he has to take a shit. He wanders off into the woods and finds a nice log to hang his backside over. Then he falls asleep.

Ole mean while has finished with the deer and goes looking for Sven. He finds him sitting on the log sleeping with his knickers around his ankles and gets an idea. He runs back and gets the “gut pile” from the doe and puts it on the ground under Sven’s ass.

A few minutes later while Ole is dragging the doe back to the shack he hears a commotion from the woods where Sven is:

“Oh No!!!!! Nooooooooooooooooo!!!!”

Being a good friend Ole runs back to Sven and asks him what the matter is.

Sven replies: “I was taking a shit and I fell asleep. When I woke up I looked behind me and saw that I had shit my guts out!”

Ole: Are you going to be o.k.?

Sven: Ya, I found a stick and got most of them back in……………