Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

Did you watch the video, he's a total idiot, yeah, he shoved a remote up his ass, but gay is only 1% of his problems...
yeah seen all the videos.. as far as me calling him a flamer is not bc he tried to sodomize himself wit a remote.. but if u watch the rest of the videos he is an over dramatic world revolves around me flamer... not to many str8 guys r that overdramatic... just sayin the remote has no part in why i call him a fag although one could argue...lol
yeah seen all the videos.. as far as me calling him a flamer is not bc he tried to sodomize himself wit a remote.. but if u watch the rest of the videos he is an over dramatic world revolves around me flamer... not to many str8 guys r that overdramatic... just sayin the remote has no part in why i call him a fag although one could argue...lol

Yeah, it definitely appears he is gay, but that's the least of his problems... not every gay guy has freakouts of that magnitude, and the fuck if they would happen more than once... He's fucked up in the head, it's not acting.
i agree its not acting.... lol he does have real problems and one of which i believe is he can not come to terms wit his own sexuality.. also yes not every gey man acts like that just the flamers..
It's fake, he WAS acting according to the mother

yup seen this video too.. my question is do we have any proof that this is actually his mom on the phone. and second wouldnt your mom cover for you if u were caught acting like this douche bag and put on u tube for the world to see
maybe the mothers interview and other vids that came after were faked to cover up the first remote into the pooper vid

Or maybe the problem is the kid isn't getting his ass beat. He's getting some verbal torture, the preferred method of punishment these days, as hitting children is 'cruel' and 'wrong'. And now he's a little freak because of it. That's really the way to turn out psychos. Parents hit your kids.
lol thats why the red light is always on the top and green on bottom. or always on the left with green on the right. I wondered the same thing cuz my buddy is color blind but he laughed at me :cry:

He probably laughed because you get real tired of the questions.. What color is this, what color is that.:? Fck I don't know!! You tell me.:lol:

To me the bottom light is yellow the middle is usually a light green and the top is orange. Most of the time at night I can't tell what one is lit up until I'm almost right on top of them, or I'll ask my girl.:peace:
Have you not seen all the videos?
The brother that is normal leaves the camera out in plain view and the crazy kid never not even once looks at the camera
Check this one out, puts the camera on a dresser that has nothing on top of it, how would you not see a video camera sitting on it??

Don't you think the kid would catch on that he has been being recorded for the viewing pleasure of others? Why would he continue to act like that?
Maybe I am just hoping that there really isn't kids like him out there haha idk
Have you not seen all the videos?
The brother that is normal leaves the camera out in plain view and the crazy kid never not even once looks at the camera
Check this one out, puts the camera on a dresser that has nothing on top of it, how would you not see a video camera sitting on it??
thats not the original freak out video... look for the first freak out videon this one is a remake and yes fake
Do what the kid fakes some but is really like that???
Lol that makes no sense at all if he faked one he faked them all
its fake because everybody knows an older brother would have beat the shit out of his little brother if he was video taping him crying in a tree

i dont have any brothers but thats the one thing i found strange about the video of him in the tree, 5:00 into the compliation vid below


actually now that I watch the above video again, it may not be acting

its impossible to know, but ya if its real, good thing mom is protecting her son,

his brother took it way too far,

lol you should see some of the videos of me my friends took when i was a crazy kid:hug:

i think the kid has an anger managment problem. or some mental problem
no what happened was the fucked up brother got onto the lil bros you tube and deleted the video.. then made his lil bro set this one up so ppl would think there was more then one take or whatevr the lil bro tells about it on his u tube page or whatever..
Have you not seen all the videos?
The brother that is normal leaves the camera out in plain view and the crazy kid never not even once looks at the camera
Check this one out, puts the camera on a dresser that has nothing on top of it, how would you not see a video camera sitting on it??

Don't you think the kid would catch on that he has been being recorded for the viewing pleasure of others? Why would he continue to act like that?
Maybe I am just hoping that there really isn't kids like him out there haha idk

buddy boy has some serious morning wood unless thats fake too :confused: