Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS


Well-Known Member
I shared this else where but shit is even funnier now that I'm stoned off my ass @curious2garden ....I got into the blonde hash with a purpose tonight ...lol

Putting a beat behind people's news interview is some seriously funny shit .....especially this one about her being involved in a robbery ....had to share it again .......took me 4 tries to spell again .....lol


Well-Known Member

It was the stir of the town when an 80-year-old man married a 20-year-old girl. After a year she went into the hospital to give birth. The nurse came out to congratulate the fellow. "This is amazing. How do you do it at your age?" He answered, "You've got to keep that old motor running." The following year she gave birth again. The same nurse said, "You really are amazing. How do you do it?" He again said, "You've got to keep the old motor running." The same thing happened the next year. The nurse said, "You must be quite a man." He responded, "You've got to keep that old motor running." The nurse then said, "Well, you had better change the oil, this one's black."
