Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

So my dad's cousin would make the best kite's for us kids using bamboo we cut at the river. He made them big and strong, using a whole garbage bag to cover the kite. and then he would put on a very long tail, which is important for stability. These things were beasts, we flew them thick fishing lines.. Anyway,one day his youngest son, who was only a toddler back then, but is a grown man now asked to fly the kite. Without thinking it through whoever was holding the reel full of line handed it to the kid. The kite lifted him, clean off the ground and smacked him into the 6' precast wall. We never saw that kite again.
So my dad's cousin would make the best kite's for us kids using bamboo we cut at the river. He made them big and strong, using a whole garbage bag to cover the kite. and then he would put on a very long tail, which is important for stability. These things were beasts, we flew them thick fishing lines.. Anyway,one day his youngest son, who was only a toddler back then, but is a grown man now asked to fly the kite. Without thinking it through whoever was holding the reel full of line handed it to the kid. The kite lifted him, clean off the ground and smacked him into the 6' precast wall. We never saw that kite again.

that's funny, fell sorry for the person. I've heard that there are some kites that will do that. I've seen people at the coast get lifted right off the beach into the water....you can watch the kite go out to sea......
that's funny, fell sorry for the person. I've heard that there are some kites that will do that. I've seen people at the coast get lifted right off the beach into the water....you can watch the kite go out to sea......

When I was a kid a lady and her three kids moved in next door, one day my brothers and I are flying a kite. Later that same day she buys a kite for her kids and they fly it straight into the power lines..... lucky they wasn't killed.

Be strong
I bet my 6-year-old daughter knows every permutation of fuck in at least two languages.
You'd be surprised how smart kids can be. I've got a teenage son that I'm routinely shocked has killed himself getting dressed. Yet I walk into the shop where he was wrenching on his motorcycle and this knucklehead is putting together a string language that most guys 20yrs his senior would be impressed to have ever heard in their lifetimes.

A fucking thing of beauty it was.